egg colour

  1. T

    3 Original breeds to create all the following;

    If i wanted to breed birds that would allow me to have the following outcomes; White Eggs Brown Eggs Blue Eggs Green/Olive Eggs Sex Link (Red or Black) Dual Purpose for all if possible. How many original breeds of chicken would i need to start with? I understand i would need to start with the...
  2. ReoChicks

    Egg colour genetics and legbar crosses

    Hi guys! I have a stunning group of legbars that we love and a beautiful legbar rooster. We are addicts so we were never going to get away with just legbars, we have almost a dozen other breeds of hens and i excuse it all with my quest for different coloured eggs. My legbar x brahma pullets are...
  3. V

    What colour eggs will she have?

    I know I won’t know until she lays but thought it might be fun to guess what this backyard mix may lay based on her traits. I have NO idea what the parents are. She has a really big comb and wattles at 16 weeks. And her earlobes look white/bluish… What do YOU think?
  4. F

    What breed is it?

    I might buy this chicken and I’m wondering your guesses on what breed it is. It seems to have a pea comb so thinking ameraucana cross or brahma cross. I don’t see a beard but can an Ameraucana cross not have a beard? I’m really hoping it would lay a coloured egg but if it’s leaning more towards...
  5. Sae

    Cayuga/khaki cross egg?

    So i got my first duck egg a few days ago. I assumed i wouldn't see anything until spring so there was a little pile of them. I am so curious to know who layed these. I was really hoping my cayuga would give me a black egg, she will be 2 this year but i just got her in the fall. i also have a...
  6. vicks2401

    Egg Colour

    Hi, my 2 appleyard ducks have been laying for a few days now, both blue and white eggs. I think one is laying white eggs and one is laying blue eggs as for the first 2 days I had one of each. However for the last 2 days I've only had blue eggs. Is it possible for one duck to lay both coloured...
  7. BYCforlife

    What colours of eggs do these chickens normally lay?

    Hello, I was wondering what colours of eggs these types of chickens normally lay. Black Australorp, Cuckoo Maran. Jersey Giant More to come. Thanks!
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