
  1. Bigbluefrog

    How do you cull chickens?

    So I have to put one of my hens down. I been prolonging it. I have an empty milk jug. Gonna hang her upside down so she goes to sleep and cull. Here is the thing- I have never done it before. I was curious if there is a video on it? We did a neck pull on an injured chicken. My husband said...
  2. NewToTheFlocks

    Young Hen bullied and brutally injured, help!

    **Graphic Imagery Warning!** Hello, Yesterday around 6pm I found out that one of my family’s juvenile birds escaped their side of the enclosure (they are separated from the adult birds by a plastic mesh fence) and was brutally attacked by the hens. She is a Rhode Island White around 2 1/2...
  3. Aschuchert

    Euthanize a Chicken Humanely - step by step

    When you come to the hard decision to euthanize one or more members of your flock there are many ways to do so. If you aren't able or willing to eat the bird then your options increase. If you are like us, you read as many posts as possible and decided that cutting or shooting and the subsequent...
  4. kinkachy000

    Can a broiler bird live out a normal, full-length life?

    Hello! I'm not sure if this is the correct forum to be posting in, but I felt like you guys would have the best information. Also, you can direct me to a different forum, if you think it better fits there. So, about a month ago I picked up four bantams from the Tractor Supply, but it turns...
  5. Embden Geese

    My thoughts on meat.

    I am very passionate about animals and ever since I was born I have been vegetarian I never have and never will eat meat. When my friends come round I ALWAYS use a meat free substitute and EVERY person who has tried it thought it was better than meat. By writing this I am in no way trying to...
  6. WildCHILD400


    If you live with chickens and you have tons of pesky chipmunks here are some easy and effective methods. I have a few humane traps and a few kill traps. The first and most humane option is to purchase a Harvart chipmunk trap.if you have a larger one of these laying around for raccoons or...
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