My thoughts on meat.

Embden Geese

Jan 3, 2018
United Kingdom
I am very passionate about animals and ever since I was born I have been vegetarian I never have and never will eat meat. When my friends come round I ALWAYS use a meat free substitute and EVERY person who has tried it thought it was better than meat. By writing this I am in no way trying to insult anyone I am simply trying to put my point across. Animals are like humans Clever, Funny, Interesting, KIND. Animals just want to live a happy healthy life. I personally would invite ANY animal into my home and would welcome them into my "safe zone" where no animal is harmed. When people think of sweets they think of a delicious flavoursome candy but as a fact most of the sweet industry uses a gelling agent called gelatine which is made from grounded down bones and cartilage from animals which were used in the meat industry, but there is a solution to this crisis to simply save millions of lives and the only thing we have to do is to cut down on the amount of meat we eat, which is not just a lot healthier but a billion x more humane. Thanks for reading.
I totally agree I'm a vegetarian and love animals soooooooooooooo much I wish I could like this post 1 million times I even volunteer at a farm animal refuge that is all for being vegan and vegetarian and I think animals should not be killed and they all deserve the same lives as people we are all animals and we need to start treating eachother that way
I can understand your feelings and it's your choice to only eat plant products but my little country would die without agriculture. And we don't have the land area to support everyone with vegetable products alone, let alone be able to sell enough to overseas markets and continue to prosper.

There would be no pet chickens, or geese, or ducks, or quail, or cats, or dogs, or sheep, or horses without our desire to use them for meat or to protect our protein sources. Animal protein is the reason human beings have been so successful and evolved to have such big brains.

Plants are also highly intelligent and can alert other plants when they are attacked. They communicate via the fungal networks underground and the more a plant pays the fungus in sugars the better the warnings and information the plant receives. They are also capable of learning and retain that knowledge for longer than many animal species could. Many scientists also think they can feel pain. Plants are just as alive as you or I.
I can understand your feelings and it's your choice to only eat plant products but my little country would die without agriculture. And we don't have the land area to support everyone with vegetable products alone, let alone be able to sell enough to overseas markets and continue to prosper.

There would be no pet chickens, or geese, or ducks, or quail, or cats, or dogs, or sheep, or horses without our desire to use them for meat or to protect our protein sources. Animal protein is the reason human beings have been so successful and evolved to have such big brains.

Plants are also highly intelligent and can alert other plants when they are attacked. They communicate via the fungal networks underground and the more a plant pays the fungus in sugars the better the warnings and information the plant receives. They are also capable of learning and retain that knowledge for longer than many animal species could. Many scientists also think they can feel pain. Plants are just as alive as you or I.

I agree with you on the poultry being for meat and not being solely as pets. Geesh, look how over run the dog and cat shelters are as an example what would happen to all of the poultry if they were just pets. Cats and dogs are put down everyday. We can't even save them, so how are you going to save the poultry? At least it's still legal to eat our extra roosters for meat. They aren't just killed and then put in the landfills or something.
I think it wrong, how people just think of animals as things that do not feel, think, or have anything to do with people. I think the slaughter industries are very wrong, as well as killing calves for their stomach lining, or keeping animals in dark sheds the rest of their life. I especially feel that the PMU industries are terrible. And would do my best never to buy any products made from it, as they also just send the foals off to slaughter.
But, I think it totally right, if you give your animals a happy life, and butcher humanely, for meat. It says in the Bible, animals are created for man to eat. I do not want to create a dispute about it, but that is my personal belief. But, that also means you don't just treat them like dirt. I would never buy chicken, or beef, from a grocery store, as I know where that comes from. But we have cows, and occasionally raise a butcher steer, or some chickens.
Ahh no now I have to starve lol I completely understand where your coming from but it sounded like people were eating dogs and cats? Lol jk I know what you meant

Well, in some cultures that's actually quite common. I could not do that though - I love our cats and dog waaaay too much. :love
If it were not for alien/extraterrestrial intervention and high meat protein diets, man would not be at the top of the food chain. Of course it helped that the aliens directed an asteroid here to eliminate the previous top of the food chain... dinosaurs. Had they survived, we wouldn't be here... They would have eaten us. They would not have given any consideration at all to our feelings, or anything else. We would have been food. In fact, in some places we still ARE food.

You must first remember that we are an animal. We eat flesh/meat/protein. There are other animals out there that would challenge us at the top. They also eat flesh/meat/protein. They would and DO eat US given the opportunity. There are many man eating animals out there and I support your desire to keep them alive along with those who don't eat us, when given the chance. But don't kid yourself that we are the only meat eaters or that we shouldn't simply because we can "think" and they can't.

In a properly balanced ecosystem, there needs to be meat eaters. Sorry, it's simply a fact. In the areas where top level predators have been removed there are numerous problems created by an over abundance of "herbivores" that said meat eaters used to control populations of. We have simply replaced the natural herbivores with our own rendition; cattle, swine, poultry.

I am an omnivore that leans heavily toward the carnivore side. I do NOT like to see ANY animal mistreated. However, that being said, I have absolutely NO problem raising an animal for the purpose of consumption, giving it a full, healthy, protected life. I believe in a humane, fast kill with minimal stress or pain caused to the animal.

I have no problem at all with those who make the personal decision to eat only plants. I have a serious problem with those who choose to force there way of life on another. the meat eater or the plant eater. Enjoy your salad and I'll enjoy a nice medium rare grilled rib eye steak.

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