Can a broiler bird live out a normal, full-length life?



Mar 18, 2018

I'm not sure if this is the correct forum to be posting in, but I felt like you guys would have the best information. Also, you can direct me to a different forum, if you think it better fits there.

So, about a month ago I picked up four bantams from the Tractor Supply, but it turns out one of the birds is an obvious big sized broiler bird. She is humongous, with really thick legs and a huge fat chest. She is only a month old, but must be at least 5 pounds already. She is just the absolute most sweetest bird though! I have absolutely no idea about how broiler birds live, how long they live, or basically anything about them. So my question is, can she live a full, happy chicken life? Or will there be a point where she's too fat to walk and it would be inhumane to keep her living? I would never be able to kill one of my chickens, I just keep them as pets and for eggs, but I don't want her living a cruel life. Like I said, I really have no clue about anything with broiler birds, so if you can give me any tips or information I would be very glad to receive it! I just want to know if she can live out a normal life, and it's okay if she doesn't lay that many eggs either.

So what are your opinions on this? Thank you in advance.
About 8 weeks. Had some get so big before then just die. Their heart will give out or they just get to heavy for their legs.
That's what I'm afraid of! :hitshe still doesn't have any feathers on her chest, because she's always laying down. But no matter what I'll give her the best life possible, but I hope I can give her a long life.
Yes, they can live a normal life, you just have to restrict their feed and free range them (for exercise and foraging). I'll see if I can find a website that says exactly how much feed you should give them.
Thank you for this! It gives me hope! She will definitely be free ranging, and and I have a 20x10 run for when she can't be free ranged. And she doesn't seem to be that much of a piggy, but I'll definitely watch what she eats. I look forward to if you find the website! Thank you again!
Not all die, mine didn’t. They have to come of age and lay for there to be more hatched. Cornish have been around a long time. Broiler crosses have made their way into many back yard flocks.
Thanks, this gives me hope for the girl! She has just grown so quick, its got me worried! She doesn't have any feathers on her chest because she seems so top heavy, but I'm giving her a fighting chance!

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