
  1. M

    Found deep injury on bird

    Found this injury under one of my birds wings on both sides. It could have been there for weeks. I am assuming it’s from my giant rooster, who we are going to trim his nails today. I cleaned out the wound as best I could and put wound spray and neosporin on it. She’s eating more scrambled eggs...
  2. chickenhawaii

    Healing bumblefoot?? Help

    My girls bumblefoot (i think?) has progressively gotten worse over the last few weeks. Trying to treat it but i see no improvement and don’t see how to heal the infection. I don’t have much access to a vet due to living on an island and would like to avoid that if possible. She has been limping...
  3. Ashleys backyard farm

    Injured foot! Please help!

    I have a neighbor with a small backyard flock. One of their chickens has an injured foot and mostly lays down. I went over to look at it and got some pictures. I want to help this chicken because these people are not properly taking care of her. They are starving her and providing no water or...
  4. G

    Help! Appleyard duck with very swollen/infected toe

    Hi! I need some help. My appleyard duck got a small cut on her foot a few weeks ago. I cleaned it, used hydrogen peroxide a few days in a row and kept an eye on it. It had seemed to fully heal well, but a few days later i looked and it had swollen again. There is no scab or opening to the...
  5. Lilybljm

    Foamy eye disease

    One of my girls has foamy eye disease from over-mating and it’s quite sunken and swollen. At first I thought her eye had been pecked out and panicked, but it seems to still be there behind the swelling. She’s still eating and drinking, but her eye looks really bad. I could bring to the vet ER if...
  6. T

    Silkie Chick infected Leg?!

    This chick is one week old. I received her in the mail with 14 others. Two were unable To use both of their legs to walk. One was a slipped tendon that was repositioned and she seems to be doing good now. I suspected this chick had the same issue but I’m not sure and it has quickly turned into...
  7. L

    Possible bumblefoot

    I recently posted about a chicken that was limping . I think it’s bumblefoot or some kind of infection , it has seemed to form a scab that I took off as much as I could . I’m scared to really cut into it but it doesn’t ooze pus. It does bleed really well though . I have been doing Epsom soaks...
  8. Blue Raptor

    I really need help with this..

    My black copper maran, Griffin, is has lost weight, stopped eating, and her abdomen is swollen. Her comb is droopy. I suspect a broken egg inside of her that got infected, but I’ve had two or three chickens pass from this. The vet is not an option. Anyone know the best way to treat this? I...
  9. K

    Weird looking bill, unsure if it’s infection or just injury from foraging around the yard (sticks, branches, rocks)

    Hey all, my duck’s bill seems to be looking rather interesting. I looked at it up close and have wiped it with warm water and dawn to remove any debris. She has water deep enough to clean her nostrils, food and water given daily. I did remove piece of debris last night that was hard and sort of...
  10. M

    Thought Hen Was Eggbound But Now She Walks Fine

    Hello, Yesterday I noticed my Orphington standing off to the side while the rest of my girls ate dinner. When I approached she was shaking pretty hard and she tried to walk away and waddled like she was egg bound. She let me pick her up pretty easy (which is not usually the case). I took her...
  11. B

    Buff Orpington has a lump on her head.

    I have a BO hen that has a large lump behind her ear/on the back of her head. It has feathers on it and is slightly warm to the touch. Just seeing if anyone has any input. She's about 7 months old or so. She has been eating but not coming out of the coop much. But is still moving around and...
  12. picklestheduck

    Bumblefoot in Pekin

    Hi yall A few days back I picked my pekin Munchkin up and noticed a swollen nob on the bottom of her foot. It is in the center of her foot with a teeny tiny black scab. On her other foot the skin is swollen around middle toe. I assume this is bumblefoot or at least on her left foot (the one...
  13. E

    Injured duck unable to walk

    My 3 ducks got attacked by a coyote 3 nights ago. 2 passed away, but one survived the attack. He has five wounds, but we treated them and he is healing very well. Up until today he has been able to slowly walk around, but today he has began limping and refusing to put any weight on his foot. I...
  14. junibug

    infected wound

    my hen was attacked by something the other night, likely a fox or dog. her wing is broken and she has quite a few wounds. the largest, being a puncture wound, is infected and oozing green pus even though i’ve been disenfecting it quite a few times daily. i’m worried about how bad it could get...
  15. T

    Chick with infected eye

    Hello, I have got a chick from a couple days old. It's eye looks infected. It's only his right eye, his left eye is normal. Could someone help me with what to do? (The eye is wet on the photo because we tried to clean it)
  16. Paule

    Badly infected leg on rooster, please help!

    Hi, I am housesitting and don’t have a lot of chicken caring experience. I don’t know the age of the chickens or much about their health background. The rooster has a badly infected leg and is swelling by the day and the foot and leg are noticeably hotter than the non injured leg. He is...
  17. GermanKennhuhn

    Infection? Help!

    I noticed a weird scab on my Delaware pullet today. I cleaned it up as best as I could and bandaged it. Once it was cleaned up, I could see the scab was dead skin, and underneath was irritated, infected looking skin. Here’s some pics: The wound extends a bit under the skin, like a pocket. I...
  18. O

    Green pus blisters?

    Attacked by a cat 2 days ago. Bitten right on her hock/"knee". There is a small puncture hole and the whole area is blue and bruised. Been cleaning daily. She puts NO weight on it and uses her wing as a crutch to get around. She is confined to a small area, to limit the use of the leg, with food...
  19. S

    Rooster With Infected Cut On Leg

    I have a rooster who cut himself pretty good on the leg somewhere in the coop. It got infected about a week or 2 later. I noticed this, and cleaned it with hydrogen peroxide and warm soapy water the first couple days, and put some regular, safe-for-chickens antibiotic ointment on it (with a wrap...
  20. E

    Help...face swollen, beak splayed

    Newbie chicken mom. Just noticed my 12 week old Sage Egger pullet's face is swollen on one side. Her beak seems splayed and there is swelling in her mouth. Any idea what this could be? What can I do to help her? Thank you!!
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