injured beak

  1. M

    Chicken door fell on pullet need advice asap!!

    My daughter was trying to close the coop door and it fell on one of our pullets. I didn’t see it happen so not sure if hit beak or neck. She was bleeding from her nostrils it appeared and we cleaned with warm water and a tiny bit of peroxide and a tooth pick to removed the clots because she was...
  2. BauerWFarm

    Hen attacked

    I have a blue laced barnevelder that was surprisingly attacked either early this morning or at night….. and I do believe it was by another hen. Her beak is injured up high but not completely broken… in fact she can eat and drink, whew….. but she won’t put weight on her leg and that is we’re all...
  3. MCchickies

    Broken beak?!?!? Help!!

    Today my 6 month old plolish rooster attacked my 5 month old Silkie mix…. I went out to check on the chickens and he was on top of her pinning her down and pecking her at her face. I kicked the rooster off and now have him separated in a kennel from the rest of my flock……. I’ve been trying to...
  4. B

    3.5 Week old chick's bottom beak is misaligned with her upper beak and is leaking saliva. Not sure what to do PLEASE HELP

    Hello, it's my first time signing up on this forum, and I came here hoping to get help. My 5 week old reed flower chick was always super lively and had a normal beak. After we let them run around with the other chicks outside today, my dad noticed that its beak seemed to not be aligning as it...
  5. NinjaGamer2022

    Emergency - Baby chick with (Fermented feed?) stuck in nose and possibly infected

    Day before yesterday (possibly the day before that) I noticed my baby polish chick was acting weird (eyes half open), I feared it didn't have enough water so I filled the waterer with sugar water. Then later on I noticed one side of it's nose had stuff in it. I washed off what I could (I did not...
  6. K

    Hematoma on Duck Bill

    I have a 8 week old female duck who injured her bill (likely from an older duck attack) we have isolated her but noticed several hematomas on the bill. She is acting/eating/drinking normal but I’m just worried about the swelling! Any advice?
  7. M

    Injured beak? With photos

    Hello, My fairly young & generally healthy looking EE hen looks to have injured her beak somehow this morning. The dried blood doesn’t seem to be coming from the nostrils (obviously I’m paranoid that it’s a symptom of a respiratory disease) so is it safe to assume that she’s just banged...
  8. NatureGirl74

    My rooster hurt his beak and his toes

    My 1 ½ year old turken rooster did something to his feet and beak. He had gotten into a fight with my other roo about 6-7 months ago and his injuries aren't any better. He's not limping, but one toe has a nasty cut and the other is swollen. We can't get anything out of the swollen toe, so we...
  9. TheBirdBabe

    Help! MEAN chick!

    I have fresh chicks that are days old (one was born 2 days earlier than the other 2). The oldest chick is MEAN! She keeps grabbing the other chick's beaks & shaking them around! 😭 Their beaks were totally normal.. but now they're damaged! Should I isolate the mean one? They're still with mama in...
  10. katie_94

    Should I be worried about my chicken's beak?

    First time chicken owner. This girl here is 5 months old and I don't spend a lot of time with them bc of work and school but while giving them treats I noticed something odd about her beak. She eats/drinks/scavenges just fine. As far as I've witnessed, there's never been fighting or aggression...
  11. B

    Racoon attack to the head

    Hello all! I've been keeping chickens a little over a year now and I've got a lavender Orpington that's a year and a half and was attacked by a raccoon on Sunday, November 7th at 3:45am. I got in a hurry and didn't count the chickens when I locked them up and she must have been out. I awoke to a...
  12. jjunge08

    Orpington with Beak Injuries

    When I was out with the hens as they were free ranging tonight I noticed the ones beak looked off. I grabbed her to get a closer look and the tip is broke and there is some black buildup towards base of beak. Black buildup may just be dirt from pecking around yard and run. Is this cause for...
  13. Greystone farm

    Week old duckling with injured beak

    Hello! I have a week old duckling with an injured beak. I was taking her outside on a nice sunny day, keeping her safe in my hands. My little flock of adult ducks waddled over, seeming interested. I crouched down, holding the baby (her name is Layla and she’s a Welsh Harlequin) close to my body...
  14. Scareab

    Beak problem!

    Hello! I have a 18 week silver laced wyandotte and I came to check on them and her beak was all bloodied! It looks like the top layer of the front beak had chipped off. It seems like she’s in pain and eats very carefully. Is there anything I can do to help her? Will it grow back?
  15. J

    Injured Duck Beak

    Hey...I’m literally writing this with tears in my eyes because I love my ducks so dearly and it’s hurting my heart that one got injured. Tonight my husband found our Pekin Duck, Violet, full of blood. But upon first look couldn’t figure out where. We looked underneath her bill and there’s no...
  16. E

    Turkey Beak Chipped

    Hello all. One of my girls had an incident today where she poked her head where it didnt belong (between the blades of a pair of garden clippers my mother was using) and some of her beak was snipped off on the side. It didn’t bleed, but I am very concerned. Will it grow back? I don’t want her to...
  17. Jvklol

    Update on twisted beak

    Hello people! here’s an update on my poor girl. Optimus’ beak is now swollen and looks as if her jaw is further unaligned. She’s still eating and drinking but like I said before, she can’t rip apart food very well. I have had an incident before with bee where her beak became swollen and I...
  18. Jvklol

    possibly dislocated quail jaw

    Hello, I’m new to this website but I’m looking for advice. My Japanese quail recently injured her beak. Her jaw is slightly twisted which has made it difficult and painful for her to rip apart food. Thankfully she CAN eat and drink. So I kept her inside for two days to keep a close eye on her...
  19. M

    Blood in beak?

    Did she hurt herself or is this normal?
  20. M

    Puncture wounds on beak

    Hello, my male goose has a problem sticking his nose where it doesnt belong. Like through the chain linked fence to taunt my dog. They usually banter back and forth harmlessly but today our 9 yr old boy was trying to shoo the goose away from the fence and inadvertently escalated the situation...
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