Racoon attack to the head


Nov 11, 2021
Hello all!
I've been keeping chickens a little over a year now and I've got a lavender Orpington that's a year and a half and was attacked by a raccoon on Sunday, November 7th at 3:45am. I got in a hurry and didn't count the chickens when I locked them up and she must have been out. I awoke to a terrible scream and rushed outside and saw the racoon running off. Her comb really took some damage with some punctures and tears and her poor beak was somewhat crushed on top and one nostril became more extended. A lot of this is healing fine as I used a lot of the helpful advice on these threads. I cleaned her when it happened and the next day day have just been applying ointment daily. Right now her wattle and lobes are a little pale. She has water available but refuses to eat or drink. I'm going to syringe feed her today. I was able to get her to swallow a little bit if mashed feed yesterday but not much at all cause she's so listless. She occasionally open mouth breaths when her head is down. I was thinking maybe from the injury to her beak. I just gave her half of a 1/4 cup of water with salt, honey(I don't eat/use white sugar) and baking soda. She's also on baby aspirin sectioned and fish amoxicillin 250mg a day. Her tail feathers are up but for the most part she's very lethargic and only opens her eyes when I really mess with her. She just tried preening her feathers and got sleepy. She mostly just sleeps. I've had her in my bedroom safe and warm since the event. The pictures shared are from this morning. Does anyone think she will make it?
I don’t see a video, and those must be uploaded to YouTube or Vimeo with a link posted here. Pictures of her injuries would help too. What do you have for cleaning the wounds? Vetericyn wound spray or 2% chlorhexidene can be sprayed on wounds. Plain Neosporin ointment can be applied twice a day to wound when dry. Mix feed with a lot of water and try to get her taking that out of a bowl or cup.
I don’t see a video, and those must be uploaded to YouTube or Vimeo with a link posted here. Pictures of her injuries would help too. What do you have for cleaning the wounds? Vetericyn wound spray or 2% chlorhexidene can be sprayed on wounds. Plain Neosporin ointment can be applied twice a day to wound when dry. Mix feed with a lot of water and try to get her taking that out of a bowl or cup.
I use saline solution and a syringe but right after it happened I used hydrogen peroxide because I wanted to ensure the punctures got really clean but I know its not good to continue to use cause it keeps the injuries from being able to heal. She won't peck at anything. She did the day it happened. I've even got cut up grapes and gave her a few and she took just a few and then just sat there with it in her mouth so I will have to syringe feed. I'm just concerned the trauma has caused her to just give up.
Poor thing. Where is she punctured? Have you checked for any hidden wounds in the crop area?
On her face in two spots near her beak.. several spots on her comb on both sides and a long gash on the upper back left side if her head. I checked her all over and her head is the only place she has injury from what I am able to tell looking. Her beak was really bad. I used nail clippers to remove some jagged pieces. The tip of her tongue has a little black spot to it. It doesn't seem like it from inside her mouth but from the top of her beak the racoon teeth may have crushed through to her roof palette. She's had some really gummy clear stuff in and around her mouth I keep cleaning up that I think is like snot and sinus drainage. I can't imagine how she feels with all these injuries :((
You can give aspirin. Crush up one baby aspirin or of you don't have baby aspirin, you can take 5 adult tablets (325mg) and dissolve that into 1 gal of water. It will help with the pain.
I went yesterday and bought some Vetrx seeing as her sinuses in her beak have been injured. When I woke this morning she was standing. I brought her outside today for a little sunshine and she perked up some. I've been able to get some mashed apples with some feed rolled up into small balls and opening her mouth and putting them into the back of her throat and forcing her to take them. I really hope she finds the will to live.

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