
  1. xXChickenXx-

    [Help please] Is this just a burn? Or bumblefoot?

    Hadn't noticed it but my girl usually had nice feet and now this is what I saw yesterday. Please let me know if you have any idea thank you~!
  2. WhatTheDuckingDuck

    Goose eye red and swollen. Was fine an hour ago.

    Hello, I came to check on my geese, I do it every hour when they are outside. It was fine last time I was out. I think it was a bug bite and the gosling scratched his eye and irritated it. What should I use for treatment? Should I cover his toenails to prevent further damage? Thanks in advanced.
  3. B

    4 week old Leg Issues help!

    My 4 week old chick is a beautiful blue leghorn. Used to be the fastest of the flock. She started laying down all of a sudden with her leg in front of her. She was supposedly vaccinated for Mareks at birth. Her right claw she won’t use she will only support on elbow. I built her a chicken sling...
  4. A

    Broken blood feathers!

    I have ducks that are about two months old and one has broken 4 blood feathers on the same wing in 3 days. One the first day and two the next night and one last night ( I only pulled them last night because the clots had broke and started bleeding badly.) She is getting niacin and good feed...
  5. G

    I need help

    Hey there I'm having trouble with my Cortunix Quails. They have always been very calm but this morning I found out that several quails were brutally injured on their head area. I'm scared. What may have caused this behavior? Background information : I'm a first time quail keeper. I hatched...
  6. Kenzi Green Design

    White Tube Like Thing Hanging From Hens Vent!!

    Not sure what to do or what this is. (Graphic photo ahead) I researched a lot but there are so many different possibilities, it does however resemble an intestine in my opinion.
  7. N

    Me again. Help

    Long story but going to try to condense. I bought a house that came w 3 ducks (one male Peking one female Peking - who have been together all their lives - about 4years - and a male Khaki Campbell which appeared at the house / pond about a year ago - he might be 2 years old) They were getting...
  8. alexthefarmlady

    Chicken won’t walk

    So about almost a month ago two pits were able to get into my coop kill some of my chickens and injure a lot of them they are all doing well except for this little girl now she’s eating pooping drinking and all but she stays only on her side she can kick. When she walks she just pushes with her...
  9. skilove3

    Hawk attack/predator attack

    A hawk (we think it was a hawk) attacked 3 of our remaining 4 hens (we started with 10 hens four years ago, and lost 6 to hawks the first two years) last week, taking 1 hen on Thursday and it came back on Friday and attacked 2 more hens, badly injuring 1 hen and taking another hen, leaving us...
  10. The Chicken Keepers Health Armoury.

    The Chicken Keepers Health Armoury.

    There are various threads on what you should have as essential items to care for your flock. This list is what I've found essential. The bulk of these items are from European sources but with the pictures many should be quite clear as to what they are and what they are for. Fenbendazole wormer...
  11. H

    Flock attacked by Fox, 3 roosters survived but are traumatized. Need advice on how to treat.

    Hi all, Yesterday my flock was attacked by a fox. This happened in the middle of the day while I was talking to some landscapers in the front of the house. There was a lot of noise as they were cutting down a tree so I did not hear what was going on in the backyard. The chickens were free...
  12. Georgeschicks

    weird chicken behavior and injured chicken

    hi! this is a kind of complicated story so sorry in advance. I also have two issues here that I need help with. I have six chickens. 4 are two years old and were raised together as day old chicks. they are 2 easter eggers a bcm and a delaware. about six months later we introduced two more who...
  13. PrincessLay-a

    Hen With Foot Growth (not bumble foot)

    Hey, I wanted to hop on here and see if anyone could help me figure out what is going on with my hen. She is maybe 2 years old short and stout. We recently built a new coop for our hens but they haven't been using it as they have gotten in the habit of sleeping outside. It's just gotten cold...
  14. MotherHen75

    Bloody comb

    My selfblue English bantam rooster has a bloody comb, I just walked outside and saw some darker red spots. I’m not sure how he got it, we have some black berry bushes around, hey have thorns on them, he could’ve gotten tangled in them. We have 10 chickens, 2 of the are roosters including him. We...
  15. Kimmyh51

    Ducks head wounds, whats doing it? Slightly graphic photos)

    hi guys. I have had a number of the wild mallards that live here, show up with really nasty abrasions all around the same area of their head lately. all of the ducks were wild mallards, none of my domestic ducks have been attacked. Most of the ducks were juvenille females. One was a 2&1/2...
  16. Chicken Bath 14 (3)

    Chicken Bath 14 (3)

    Before washing. Scaly leg mites?
  17. newbabyducks322


    Is this bumblefoot? I noticed one of my ducks limping the other day, checked today and noticed this lump. Does anyone know how to treat something like this at home? I am going to call the vet, I just want to ask others who may have experienced this first and get their opinion or help.
  18. chicksonline

    Quail trouble!

    Hello, we have hatched some quails and are about 5/6 weeks old! We introduced them into the adult batch and straight away the male got scaled and killed I was warned this was going to happen but I went down today and realised all the other newbies were really scruffy so I picked them up and...
  19. Newagecrazychickenlady

    I’m in desperate need of help:(

    My 7/8 week old chick has a broken right leg. It seems disconnected from the joint seeing as it hang. I really don’t want to kill her, I barely have the heart to try and examine her leg and hear her peep in pain.
  20. ACSG3

    2 hens with muscle injuries.

    Hello Today I went to check on my hens and two of my hens have injuries. One has a hard bump on her neck, which appears to be preventing her from moving her neck. I checked her out and the skin is yellow where the hard bump is. I am guessing she might have hit herself when flying off the roost...
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