
  1. annmjensen

    Chicks legs burned by brooder lamp

    I have 2 chicks about 3 weeks old. One buff Orp. One black astrolorp. Both managed to get stuck in the brooder lamp housing and burn one of their legs. I have them in the "hospital box" to keep them from the rest of the 10 chicks. I am applying Neosporin to the damaged legs once a day. I don't...
  2. Stillmeadowacre

    Rooster Injuries

    Hi! We've raised chickens for many years, but this is our first year with a rooster. He is a silver-laced wyandott, and a very good guardian. He is usually gentle with the hens and pretty docile for a rooster, which is why we decided to keep him (we were supposed to get all females in our...
  3. Saint_ Marwenne_Chickens

    Two cockerels attacking each other. Covered in blood and mud. Missing feathers.

    These guys grew up together. They have together survived 2 fox attacks. They have been fighting each other for a while. They are half soaked and covered in mud, which makes me think they fell into the dam? They have this mad look in their eyes, and they had blood all over them. They were both...
  4. DaisyDucky

    Duck help?

    I am the owner of two pekin ducks, Donald and Daisy. I got them as a learning experience for my 2 year old son. I have raised them from 3 day old hatchlings and they will be a year old in April. Daisy has laid eggs that I sell, but recently became broody and was sitting on a nest of about 13...
  5. kookieoboe56

    Chicken with a bleeding wound on conb

    Hi All, Although we have had the hens for slightly over a year (total newbies) we have not experienced all the joys of chicken ownership yet. Today I came home to find one of the Buff Orpintons bleeding rather profusely from her comb. They were all in the run. No other injuries. She seems...
  6. C

    Possible broken bone?

    I have three hens, my oldest is currently molting and in bad humour as she gets very sensitive and a bit sore around this time. She gets along fairly well with my other two but today she attacked one of them, who is usually the first to get picked on in the pecking order (though as I said there...
  7. Saint_ Marwenne_Chickens

    Fox attack, two alive, five dead, three presumed dead.

    Title says it all. I need help with the two still living, they are breathing and have some scratches to their combs and wattles. only just found them then. Both male, about 20weeks? They are mutts. I don't know what to do.
  8. Cloozy

    Duck with Prolasped Penis

    Hi. I have a Khaki Campbell Drake named Roger, and he is suffering from prolasped penis. I took him to the vet and they treated it with cold water, disinfectants, etc and pushed his penis back in then stitching it up to keep it in. They also gave me some antibiotics to give him. After we took...
  9. T

    Help Duckling's hurt foot

    My duckling just hatched today and I had to help him hatch beacuase his foot was above his head and he was stuck he's fine and everything but he can't really walk on his right foot he it's also curled a little pls help
  10. PouleNoire

    PLEASE HELP! Chicken w/prolapsed vent and possible bumblefoot!

    I have a LF white cochin hen who yesterday we saw had prolapse vent, we washed her off and sprayed hydrocortisone spray on it, today we bought some vetetrcyn plus, we could not find vetetrcyn VF, will the plus work to spray on it as well? Upon closer inspection it looks like she may have...
  11. L

    Mangled Duck Foot

    We found our duck by the pond in the morning and he was all bloody. He let us just walk right up to him and pick him up. We found that it appears his foot may have been attacked by a snapping turtle. One of his little toes are broken and the bleeding did stop. We have soaked his foot in epsom...
  12. Sunshinechickenlady

    Help please! torn vent:(

    Hi all, we found our beautiful cream leg bar hybrid bleeding from her vent. It looks as though it's badly torn at the top. Our chicken breeder thinks she's bleeding internally due to maybe a broken egg and the shell having cut her, but I think it looks as though the top part of her vent is...
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