
  1. Our New Coop 1

    Our New Coop 1

    Here is out new chicken coop, we build it when our chicks were one month old, now they are 5 months and growing We have 8 chicks and a rooster. Hopping by the early spring we'll get some eggs. we painted inside also painted floor and glue linoleum tile for better cleaning, I...
  2. The Feather Hut

    The Feather Hut

    The Feather Hut coop under construction The Feather Hut Finished (almost)
  3. Best Coop Yet

    Best Coop Yet

    This is my best coop yet. It was a rip-off of a similar coop built by someone here on byc. We have it split into 2 identical halves cause when we built it we had 2 separate flocks that didn't like to mingle together. now it has a broody side and flock side. After my chicks all grow up, I will...
  4. Coop At Witts End

    Coop At Witts End

    Coop At Witt's End So, I decided that I wanted chickens. We looked in catalogues, farm shows and farm stores. None of the prebuilt coops met my wonderful husbands expectations for my future chickens. He decided to build one for me. He drew up a rough draft and the building began. It was...
  5. Saddlebags Coop Page

    Saddlebags Coop Page

    This is a few pallets I put together so the girls would have something to play on in the run.. This is the finished pop door I made for the run Here is the hanging feeder I made. This is a pic of the front door with summer panel opened.The panels are made from scrap pallets I got from my...
  6. Page Two Of Coop

    Page Two Of Coop

  7. The Coop Page

    The Coop Page

    Gregg's Eggs Coop I have started building, what I think of as a "monster size" coop and run. Its finished dimensions will be 320 sq ft (8' x 40') coop and a 480 sq ft (16' x 30') run. The coop will be divided into 4 equal areas, 1 for each of the 3 breeds of chickens I have, and the 4th area...
  8. Coop Pics 1

    Coop Pics 1

    inside on the roost deleware hen 4 weeks old. here are the feeders ive decided to use these are the dog feeders with the front door removed they have worked like a charm so far.
  9. Ronikinss Chicken Coop

    Ronikinss Chicken Coop

    We live in southern MO near the Arkansas border. My husband and I are pretty new to the chicken world. Our flock consists of 3 rotten cats, a black lab/blue heeler mix (Violet) and 24 buff orpington pullets. MFA lost our cockerels. We're currently looking to buy a BO rooster. On to the coop...
  10. Building The Superrun

    Building The Superrun

    Here are a few photos of my current coop project- the SuperRun. The run the girls have recently been using is only 5x16 and is attached to half of my coop. I wanted something bigger but due to funds, I have been having to piece build it. Its slowly taking shape but it has to be strong to keep...
  11. Our 1st Chicken Run And Coop

    Our 1st Chicken Run And Coop

    Building ThE ChIcKeN ShAcK and run... To be continued.... Plan to add on this spring!
  12. Loriensmoms Page

    Loriensmoms Page

    Woodcliff Solar Chicken House We had been thinking about getting chickens for a quite a while (to eat the hords of grasshoppers, make better compost, and EGGS), so decided to order chickens from a nearby state chicken hatchery. We received 13 Silver Laced Wyandotte's in early June and as each...
  13. Construction 2

    Construction 2

    Construction I started this building process in mid September 2010. I vowed not to order chicks until the coop was completed. I really did not want to have the chicks in the house and I know my wife would not appreciate it. The process took a lot longer than I anticipated and guess what? I...
  14. Tailfeather Cottage

    Tailfeather Cottage

    Tailfeather Cottage "Really? We need chickens? Now?" Our adventure began innocently enough as my husband and I realized our dream of owning acreage and finally planned to move our horses from a friends farm, home! The barn had taken some time, fencing was carefully planned and...
  15. Newchickmoms Page

    Newchickmoms Page

    New Delaware chicks March 2009 First day in new teenage coop in the barn June 2009 Getting Crowded August 2009 Meeting the older girls Past time to start the new coop! The new coop will be on the right of the run, where the...
  16. Cranchick2011s Chicken Coop

    Cranchick2011s Chicken Coop

    Chicken Bed, Breakfast and Beyond! Here's the site for the new chicken coop! Here's the foundation. Done! It will be a 12x28 building with the front 12x10 used for storage. I'm so excited! I'm starting with 3 Light Brahma females, 3 Partridge Rock females, 1 Partridge Rock male and 3...
  17. Jake1297s Chicken Coop

    Jake1297s Chicken Coop

    Here is a few pictures of our coop.The coop is 8' x 12' with a 4' x 6' addition giving us 120 sq.ft. The roof has a 12/12 pitch which allows for a loft where we store hay, shavings, feed, etc. The chickens sometimes go up in the loft to lay eggs. There is electricty in the coop for lights, water...
  18. The Coop Aka Tashmahal Sp

    The Coop Aka Tashmahal Sp

    This is my babies home of homes! In 2010 when I came home with 12 fluffy chicks my husband almost fell over. I told him we have 10 weeks to get a new chicken coop built! And so in June of 2010 he and I started to build the new Tajmahal I call the Fluffy Butt Hut, and he calls the Time...
  19. Cozycrestmom's Chicken Coop

    Cozycrestmom's Chicken Coop

    BY COZY CREST MOM,,, Our little babies.. Arrived April 30th... 11 little layers,, 3 RIR, 4 NH, 4 white leghorns and 1 rooster... THE MAKING OF THE COOP/PEN (First part of May 2010) Well,,, It's started anyways.... 10' x 16', A double door in the front, 2 small windows to each side of the...
  20. The Coopa Cabana

    The Coopa Cabana

    Coopa Cabana - The Coop (You can click on any photo to enlarge it.) (Yes, Virginia, there is a Cabana!) Gees, I just realized all the pics were taken in winter! It really does get green here in the summer: These rabbit hutches I found on CL work great for breeder cages, and an old antique...
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