leg paralysis

  1. SheppFamilyFlock

    Vitamin treatment for paralysis... dosage?

    I have an 8 week old chick who was starting to show some signs of leg paralysis a few days ago. I think it's a vitamin deficiency.. the bird is not showing any other signs of Marek's which was what I was most worried about. The only poultry vitamins I was able to find at my local farm store...
  2. R

    Elderly Hen Splayed Legs/Weakness

    I have a very elderly hen named Tenebris- she is minimum 7 years old, but I believe she is closer to 8 or 9. She was hatched in my care and is 50% silkie, 25% black australorp, and 25% copper maran. Tenebris has been healthy her entire life except for just recently when she very abruptly...
  3. M

    Marek's Disease or...?

    We have a hen that had chicks recently we started noticing that she would stay in the shed more and not walk around in the yard as much. She started limping and we initially thought she had sprained or broken a bone. Yet the next day she developed blisters around her toes. They were filled with...
  4. S

    Help, my quail is paralyzed??

    My female king quail’s back legs seem to be paralysed. She cant seem to move them, and if I flip her onto her back she is unable to roll back over, so i think her hips/lower spine are affected as well. She also doesnt seem to be using her wings much to escape, but she can use them. I noticed...
  5. LeslieOch

    Hens with sudden onset leg paralysis

    I have kept a small flock of chickens (between 10 & 20) over the past 30 years and have never had anything like this happen. Since September, 2017 I have had 4 hens develop weakness of the legs and within 24 hours complete paralysis of both legs. The hens are alert, eat & drink fine but cannot...
  6. czarinapl

    Help! Chicks dying like flies .... :(

    Hi there, I am new to keeping chicks, and my first week of experience has been extremely disheartening. Any help or advice would be very much appreciated. tl;dr 2 out of 6 4-week-old chicks have died, 2 look like they're at death's door. Providing they survive, can I safely integrate the 2...
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