Hens with sudden onset leg paralysis


Feb 16, 2018
I have kept a small flock of chickens (between 10 & 20) over the past 30 years and have never had anything like this happen. Since September, 2017 I have had 4 hens develop weakness of the legs and within 24 hours complete paralysis of both legs. The hens are alert, eat & drink fine but cannot use their legs. It seems age is not a factor, 2 were young and 2 were older adults. They were afflicted about a month apart each time & after about a week their health declined & they eventually died. One girl seemed to be doing better & hobbling around but then suddenly died I keep the patient separated from the rest of the flock. Three days ago one of my big beautiful girls lost the use of her legs. I have researched until I think I’m losing my mind trying to figure out what is going on. I have increased protein and am giving the sick hen epsom salt water once a day along with antibiotic.
I am sorry about your birds as well. I have suspected Marek’s Disease. If that is what it is, will all my hens get it?
And from what I have read there is no cure.
Many chickens have Marek's with no symptoms. Even vaccinated birds can get it, they are just less likely to show symptoms if vaccinated. There are other things it would be also. I would recommend giving them vitamins and "doubling down" on good nutrition and general care. Not to say you are not doing in right now, but excellent conditions, with low stress, is the very best medicine you can give a bird. They have amazing immunity and vitality.

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