newbie introduction

  1. RebelFord81

    Hi ya'll!

    New member here! I'm not new to chickens but I haven't had them for over 10 years, i grew up on over 35 acres with a whole array of animals so I guess it's sorta like riding a bike 😅 We just got 9 EE peepers and one was a rooster in disguise so all well he'll keep the hens happy! Heading north...
  2. C

    Chicken Crossings Southern Virginia New to Chickens

    (1) Are you new to chickens / when did you first get chickens? Hello, yes I am brand new to chickens. I have always wanted to get some, and I FINALLY convinced my husband to say okay!! LOL (2) How many chickens do you have right now? My first batch of 18 chicks hatched on June 5, 2023, so...
  3. M


    hi my name is mode , i'm from trinidad and tobago thats an island in the caribbean , i take care of 10 chickens and 50 ducks but im here for some advice on my chickens and also the ducks as they're sitting on eggs atm, last year november i lost 80 eggs due to the way i constructed the egg boxes...
  4. Nerdigallus

    Hallo fellow chicken enthusiasts

    Y'all can call me Nerdi Are you new to chickens / when did you first get chickens? Yes! I got my chicks in the first week of June! How many chickens do you have right now? 13 What breeds do you have? Buff Orpingtons, Welsummers, Buff-laced Polish, Salmon Faverolles, and Silver-laced...
  5. Goosey Girl


    Hi, I live in rural PA and purchased some mail order chicks last year just before Thanksgiving. Currently have a silver wyandotte rooster, 2 wyandotte hens, 2 leghorn hens, a barred rock, an Australorp, and a black sex link. All the hens except one are molting/taking the winter off. We started...
  6. M


    (1) Are you new to chickens / when did you first get chickens? Yes I am newbie, and I just got some a week ago. (2) How many chickens do you have right now? I have 6 so far. (3) What breeds do you have? I am supposed to have 3 Golden Comets and Asian Blacks. (4) What are your favorite...
  7. FLXChicken

    Hello! Been a "lurker" for years, finally brought home chicks and decided to join BYC!

    Hello! We're Tracy (and Gordon) from the Finger Lakes in New York, and I've been visiting BYC for years looking for advice and information while we decided on if and when we should get chickens. I'm excited to join BYC because I have been reading posts on this site for years since it comes up...
  8. Gitche Gumee Guy

    Hello BYC

    Hi all, figured I should make an account since I've been utilizing this site for a lot of info as I get started with a small backyard chicken flock. We have 4 Golden Laced Wyandotte hens that are 4 weeks old now and currently in a nice brooder in the garage. I'm in the process of planning a...
  9. Kacie100

    Hi All! Excited to start this journey!

    Hi! I haven't had any for about 6 years since I moved from Washington state to Florida. Previously had a mixed flock of abt 5 layers. Currently living in the suburbs so truly looking for backyard chickens. I mainly want them for eggs, but dont need a ton, and because even though we live in a...
  10. Daralyn

    New Member in Central Texas

    Hi, my name is Daralyn. I'm in College Station, TX. I want to get started raising dual purpose chickens. I also raise Standard and Mini Rex Rabbits. Currently, I am gathering information on building a chicken coop and researching breeds. :) Also looking for other chicken owners in the area to...
  11. Martha-s Crazy Chics

    Hello Chicken Lovers!

    Hi I'm Martha! I just joined. I am looking forward to sharing, and learning from you all. We have had chickens for a few years now. We have one Light Sussex (did have two ), and several rescued brown hens and roosters. Right now my husband is turning a small shed into a coop. I want to help, but...
  12. FrostyAndAlert

    Glad to meet you!

    (1) Are you new to chickens / when did you first get chickens? I established my first flock around nine weeks ago and I am a beginner. (2) How many chickens do you have right now? I have eight chickens. (3) What breeds do you have? 2 - Barred Rock, 2 - Black Copper Marans, 2- Australorp, 2 -...
  13. One_chick_Mama

    New Chick Mama

    Hello all, I am a newbie in this chicken world. I am a country girl, & have been around chickens poultry my whole life. About 3 months ago, before a storm, during a high wind, a little white pullet showed up in my back yard. I watched her, and figured she would be on her way when she was...
  14. TeamDefeat

    New to BYC

    (1) Are you new to chickens / when did you first get chickens? I have had chickens since I was six, and have always loved birds. They're just so quirky and fun as companions or egglayers. (2) How many chickens do you have right now? I have five end. (3) What breeds do you have? I have a...
  15. M

    Hello there fellow chicken parents!

    Hello all! I'm just joining after almost two years of reading the blogs here to answer questions I've had while learning how to raise the chickens and ducks that I've come to be quite attached to. I'm sure I've made a share of mistakes along the way so far, but I have avoided quite a few by...
  16. JNicoleS

    A BIG hello to everybody!! Im JNicoleS and am to the forum as well as new to being a Mama Hen.

    My 8 1/2 week old flock of 19 appears to have 2 males that were included. The males are Cochins and I suppose as part of establishing pecking order and dominance, the lead male plucked out a 3 inch diameter patch of every tail feather of his rival male. No bleeding just complete baldness. I have...
  17. Michele G

    Hi ... call me Newbie

    Hello all! My name is Michele and I am married with 3 children and live in Southeast Texas. I have wanted to raise chickens and live on a farm since I was potty trained. I spent 5 years trying to convince my husband that we needed chickens for fresh eggs. I threw every angle at him, like...
  18. CosmoNOT

    Hello! Turkeys, Guineas, & Chicken TN

    (1) Are you new to chickens / when did you first get chickens? I am raising poultry on my own for the first time. Last time I had chicken was as a child with my grandfather. (2) How many chickens do you have right now? Last month I received 26 birds including 16 chicken, 4 turkeys, and 6...
  19. N

    Hello BYC

    (1) Are you new to chickens / when did you first get chickens? I am brand new to raising chickens. We moved to a house with 2 acres that already had a chicken coop. Since our three year old son is obsessed with animals we bought him some chickens from Tractor Supply at Easter. We bought 8. One...
  20. Chiboo

    Hello Fellow Chicken Lovers!

    My name is Brenna, I live in St. Louis, MO and I have a husband, and two kids (Ava 12, Tobey 16) I'm quite intimidated to be surrounded by such experienced chicken owners, but I feel like all I do is google questions and I'd much rather hear directly from all of you than get my info from random...
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