
  1. B

    Hot weather, no freezing...watering cups or nipples?

    Aloha, We live on the Big Island of Hawaii where it is hot and never freezes. I've read a lot of threads about watering cups vs nipples and it seems most recommend the nipples. It seems that the recommendation is because cups eventually get dirty, but mainly because cups can freeze during the...
  2. MotherOfChickens

    Horizontal Nipples vs. Vertical Nipples

    I realize it is only June... and where I am located, it is hot... REALLY HOT, so thinking about winter seems a little crazy, but I am. My flock drinks from vertical nipples. But I am thinking about changing them over to horizontal nipples and using a heater in the bucket as they say the...
  3. SpinningJenny

    Hens stopped drinking from nipples?

    So, my 5 hens have decided the nipple waterer is taboo... I noticed the water levels haven't been going down over the last few days, but credited it to cooler weather, and the hens not needing as much water to stay cool. But today when I got home and let them out, they rushed the open waterer...
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