Horizontal Nipples vs. Vertical Nipples



6 Years
Jun 29, 2017
Middle Tennessee
I realize it is only June... and where I am located, it is hot... REALLY HOT, so thinking about winter seems a little crazy, but I am.

My flock drinks from vertical nipples. But I am thinking about changing them over to horizontal nipples and using a heater in the bucket as they say the horizontals dont freeze. So my question is, since my flock knows how to use the vertical nipples, would they naturally know how to use the horizontal ones?

Also, which aquarium heater would be the best to use?

So my question is, since my flock knows how to use the vertical nipples, would they naturally know how to use the horizontal ones?
Maybe...but I wouldn't switch them over when the weather is extreme and dehydration can quickly become a health issue, wait until fall and the weather is more moderate.

Also, which aquarium heater would be the best to use?
Not a cheap one, BTDT.

You might not need an AQ heater in TN.
How cold does it get where you are?
Maybe...but I wouldn't switch them over when the weather is extreme and dehydration can quickly become a health issue, wait until fall and the weather is more moderate.

Not a cheap one, BTDT.

You might not need an AQ heater in TN.
How cold does it get where you are?

Oh no, I would definitely wait until cooler temps.

Temps usually hover above freezing with times of below freezing down into the teens and single digits. This past winter we had a really cold winter and the temps stayed below freezing for a couple weeks.
Maybe...but I wouldn't switch them over when the weather is extreme and dehydration can quickly become a health issue, wait until fall and the weather is more moderate.

Not a cheap one, BTDT.

You might not need an AQ heater in TN.
How cold does it get where you are?

I am wondering if I used like a Coleman or Rubbermaid water jug with horizontal nipples if I would even need the aquarium heater since it would be insulated???
Not sure if you would need to heat your cooler, but if you want to use horizontal nipples in a cooler, you have to get something like this below, to use them. I use a stock tank deicer in my bucket.
I was wondering about the thick wall and how to install a nipple in it. Odd looking nipples. Wonder why they don't show the whole adapter? Looked for installation instructions/illustrations (but not very hard) description sounds interesting and logical.

What is a stock tank deicer? Jusy something you add to like fish stock tanks to keep from freezing?
For livestock...could be fish, horses, cattle, goats......or chickens.
stock tank deicer
I was wondering about the thick wall and how to install a nipple in it. Odd looking nipples. Wonder why they don't show the whole adapter? Looked for installation instructions/illustrations (but not very hard) description sounds interesting and logical.

For livestock...could be fish, horses, cattle, goats......or chickens.
stock tank deicer

Since winters arent too totally bad here, I think I might give the cooler a try and see if that is all I would need to not have a water freezing problem. (I really dont want to be breaking ice again this year lol). If it isnt enough, then I will try warming the water whether it is with an aquarium heater or a de-icer.
If you buy those cooler extension things, let us know how they work out.
I'm intrigued by their products..
Especially as they seem to be making(having them made) their own nipples.
Am tempted to buy some myself just so I can touch and test them.

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