
  1. InspiredtoChick

    how clean?

    We inherited a coop when we bought our house. Coop has been abandoned for 5+ years, but is in good shape other than was dirty when we found it. I cleaned out everything loose, swept and scraped. Do I need to have this coop disinfected/sanitized? I'm afraid that if I do any more scraping I'll...
  2. P

    Diarrhea for the past 4 days

    Hey guys I’m new to raising chickens and I currently have 4 barred rock hens all of which are 14 weeks old. I noticed a couple of days back that there was some diarrhea from one of my girls. There is no blood or anything like that just smells like very pungent poop. It looks like this and is...
  3. Z

    Chicken has white poop

    One of my chicken's poops were oddly more white than normal starting yesterday. The above image is one from this morning and a dried one from last night. It might by nothing but just in case, I wanted to check if this could be some sort of disease or infection. Besides the poop, she seems her...
  4. C

    Cecal poop or should I be worried?

    Do these look like normal cecal poops to you or abnormal poops? Context: I have a 5-month-old Brahma pullet who has been sneezing for almost 2 months. The vet said she is sneezing due to over-grooming from poultry lice, so I've been treating my coop and all chickens for lice, but her sneezing...
  5. B

    Chicken poop

    Hi all, My chicken have eaten spaghetti recently. They seem quite content but Should I be worried about their poop?
  6. buffy-the-eggpile-layer

    Anyone Else's Chickens Have Watery Poop in the Morning?

    So my flock of 7 is 18 months old now, and over the last year or so I've had many a panic episode due to intermittent weird poops, almost always in the morning. I'd done de-worming, treated for cocci, and added supplements like probiotics or ACV to their water, but I still get some weird poops...
  7. divineangel94

    Crow issues

    My 3 year old rooster is hardly eating his bird food, ate spam and half a hot dog, wont eat grass anymore, and does drink. His poop keeps changing but mainly is green yellow white or brown. Sometimes all of the above. I have him separated and noticed he went to crow but no sound came out. I...
  8. D

    Red Poop

    My rooster pooped this today and I’m not sure what’s up. He eats stuff in the yard but is also on the same layer feed as the girls. I read that it could be just the intestinal lining but I’m not sure.
  9. B

    Strange Poop

    My chickens just went through one round of roundworm medication a week and a half ago. I've noticed they have consistently been pooping white cloudy poop that outlines their dark poop + they have diarrhea often, but that might be because of the fruits we've been feeding them lately because of...
  10. J

    Chicken poop help

    One of my chicks pooped this last night. I have no idea if this is a bunch of worms or intestinal shedding. There was no blood and it wasn’t moving...I rinsed the sand off just to have a better look. What do you think? Do I need to treat for worms? edit: they are all acting normal, eating and...
  11. Poop Bin Coop

    Poop Bin Coop

    We Live in Las Vegas. Our predator threats are cats, rats and coyotes. The most important aspect of coop construction is to protect the hens from the heat(commonly over 110 in the summer). Coop dimensions are 5' by 4' by 4' high. Run dimensions are 5' by 16' by 6' high. To protect against...
  12. P

    Sour crop and poop issues

    Hi everyone, My sweet hen Penny has an ongoing sour crop but recently started having unusual poops. I was very worried about her because she wasn’t preening, eating or drinking water and her crop was really bloated. She ended up having a very unusual poop (see pictures). I have never seen...
  13. H

    Weird poop (photo incl.) from black copper maran

    Hey there, my 6-7 month old hen is exhibiting some unusual-for-her symptoms. She has not left the coop all day and has just been sitting on the roosting bar in and out of sleep. She will eat oatmeal from my hand and is still her fussy self but it’s very strange for her not to come outside and...
  14. ChickenNik

    Consistent bright yellow poop for the past three or four weeks.

    Hello, I have one or more chickens (I’m not sure which one or ones are doing it) that are pooping bright yellow poop. I keep a pretty close eye on my flock and haven’t noticed any of them acting listless or otherwise unhealthy, but it seemed strange to me, because they didn’t have poop like that...
  15. Beanie99

    Coccidiosis or intestinal shedding ??!

    13 weeks old I pretty sure was my Roo, found this in coop this morning should I go ahead and treat for coccidiosis or intestinal shedding or is it possibly tomato ??
  16. Celeeste

    Do I have to clean dried poop off of chicks butt if vent is clearly open?

    We recently got three new chicks, a Rhode Island Red, Golden Comet, and a Light Brahama. Our light brahma has had poop stuck on his down feathers below his vent which I can see opening and closing when I touch it, should I try and clean that poop off or can I just leave him. I assume they get...
  17. QuailFeather

    Quail not walking, help!

    I have a female Golden Manchurian Coturnix Quail who is not walking and laying on her back. First then she got stuck in the cloth wire on my cage a few hours ago. She had a big poop/dirt clump on her right foot and after I freed her she seemed to be walking around fine. But now when I went out...
  18. AlexD98

    Moult or sick

    I've just got a new hen for my flock(lavender araucana), the previous owner said she's just started to moult... I've got home and upon further inspection ( hope this makes sense) the strands coming out of the feather root/ centre thing are very short ( on her back) also she has quite watery...
  19. buffy-the-eggpile-layer

    Safe to Worm in Thick of Summer?

    I recently noticed droppings with shed intestinal lining in them (pinkish strands that look like raw meat). My 7 hens are about 15 months old and have never been wormed. They are eating and drinking normally, and otherwise their droppings look good. I haven't found the culprit of the couple...
  20. A

    Quail stinking it up more than usual

    I have a 4 fully grown quail, 3 hens, and a rooster. Their droppings usually never smelled that bad however recently it's been unbearable to the point I have no choice but to fully clean and disinfect their cage every day. I have been feeding them manna pro gamebird feed all their life, water...
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