quail breeding

  1. HarleyQuailison


    So for those who read my two other posts about my pet quail, here is an update!! 1st, the bully male did not get recaptured and I've given up hope, however, this left just my Female and her Mate, and ALL calmed down, no more freaking!! 2nd, there was no centipede bite, THANK GOD!!! And 3rd, My...
  2. Gravey

    Integrating Quail question

    We're new to raising quail or any birds from eggs. Our first batch of quail chicks hatched about 5 weeks ago. The heat lamps are off and I'm looking to put them outside in the quail pen. There are 15 in this batch and 15 existing adults. The pen is a 6X12 dog kennel with mesh netting and...
  3. N

    Budget Incubator

    Hi! My name is David and I was hoping to get into raising a quail as a pet. My biggest issue is trying to stick to a budget, but I really want to incubate the eggs myself. I saw lots of tutorials for home incubators that are made of Styrofoam and lamps, but I feel like that's all a bad route. If...
  4. C

    Chinese button quail not laying any eggs

    Hi! So I bought three Chinese button quails a week ago, I got one male and two females. They are indoor poultry and I absolutely love them! Two of them (the male and one female) are chicks and they need some time to develop, the other female is an adult laying quail, or at least that is what the...
  5. B

    What is best to feed my week old Quail chicks?

    Hi y’all, I’m new to ‘Backyard-Chickens’. My question is: What is the best feed for me to give to my week old Japanese-Coturnix Quails? I have them on a 19% Protein Chick Starter recommended to me by my local feed store. I have however been reading that Quail need about 25-28% protein? On...
  6. wowlss

    Button Nest

    I have a pair of button quails and the female has laid an egg every day for 12 days now. At first I took out the eggs but I’ve left the last six and she has laid them all in the same nest then she covers the eggs a bit. Could this mean she wants to brood? I’m concerned about leaving the eggs in...
  7. A

    How many eggs do quail typically lay in a clutch?

    I Have a trio of two males one female, (was NOT planning on the second male), and my hen has been laying an egg a day for over a week, and stopped yesterday so i now have a total of 11 Texas A&M eggs. I will put them in the incubator after i have some geese clear out and get a quail tray. But i...
  8. A

    Do Japaneses Quails sit on their eggs?

    Im going to get a pair of Japanese Quails to put in my aviary. I've been told by some people that these quails have lost the instinct to incubate their own eggs while others have said that they do sit on them?
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