
  1. P

    Buff Duck 7 weeks old suddenly having seizures

    One of my Buff Duck hens is suddenly having seizures today. She will be 7 weeks this Tuesday. We started our little chicken/duck farm 7 weeks ago with 13 Barred Rock Chickens, 7 Bantams, and 3 Buff Ducks. Every other bird is fine. This is the only one with health problems today. She's having...
  2. Skipper Carnes

    26-Day-Old Silky Having Seizures! CLICK ME!!!

    Hey guys, I think my silkie chick, Skipper, is having daily seizures. About twice a day, he will be running and playing, and all of a sudden just pause, roll his eyes, and slowly twist his neck a few times, for about 1-3 seconds. He doesn't fall down or anything? I am guessing mini seizures...
  3. M

    Seizure in baby duck, does prednisone works?

    Hi, my boyfriend got me a baby duck, he is about 15 days, he was a normal duck, but yesterday he was swimming and then stopped breathing and I had to give him CPR, he was already taking multivitamin in drops because he had a leg weird contraction... He has a vet and I want him to have a...
  4. E

    Silkie Rooster (3 Months) with Spasms

    I have a Silkie rooster, approximately 3 months old that is experiencing convulsions / spasms quite frequently... I am desperate for help and information! Background We "adopted" two silkies from another who purchased "too many" and no longer wanted these two precious babies. We asked where...
  5. MageofMist

    Can Sour Crop Cause Seizures?

    One of my Serama pullets, Betty, came down with a really bad case of sour crop where she was super lethargic, extending her neck gasping, with gurgling sounds in her crop, squeaking and having fits which included wing beating, jumping up in the air then flipping over on to her back or side with...
  6. Heorth the Half-pint Home

    Sudden seizures in a rooster

    What could cause this? My little Old English Game bantam rooster, Vizzini, was fine when I left for the faire this afternoon. When I got home I found him seizing in the coop. He was mostly limp, the tips of his comb were deep purple and he had a small lump on his face under his eye. He passed...
  7. ShaliniW1985

    Turkey seizure/stroke??

    Earlier my broadbreasted turkey was facing off with one of my roosters through a fence. She was trilling and puffing up to intimidate him. My rooster then pecked at the fence and out of shock, she was sent backwards and she fell on her back. She started flapping and flailing and kicking. Her...
  8. O

    Seizing 11 week old Mallard

    Hello follow bird lovers! My husband and I have a small flock of about 30 birds all together. We raise chickens, ducks and turkeys right now! Monday (today is Saturday) my 11 week old male mallard duck Maui started with seizures. It was 95 degrees Monday and that evening we noticed Maui flapping...
  9. O

    New member, seizing duck

    Hello follow bird lovers! My husband and I have a small flock of about 30 birds all together. We raise chickens, ducks and turkeys right now! Monday (today is Saturday) my 11 week old male mallard duck Maui started with seizures. It was 95 degrees Monday and that evening we noticed Maui flapping...
  10. D


    hello I have a duck that is about 4 months old and these past two days she’s been having multiple seizures (something similar to this happened before but last time it did was around 2 months ágonas it also wasn’t this bad but last time it happened we took her to the hospital because we thought...
  11. Y

    HELP! 6 day old chick twitching head..seizures??

    Hi- We have 9 6 days old chicks (Our polish chick died yesterday) and our Brahma is having these weird episodes where she stretches and shakes her head and neck. Im not sure if they are seizures?? Heres a video of her doing it. Thanks in advance!!! ...
  12. hugitnotnugget

    Odd behavior. Seizures? Something else?

    Background info So I got this Silkie rooster summer of 2020 from a farm who wanted to get rid of him because he was attacking the other hens and people. He’s almost 2 years old. He is kinda an ass... we have another rooster that the hens would run to when the silkie wasn’t treating them right...
  13. C

    Duck seizures

    Hi everyone! I have a Cayuga duckling who is about 7 weeks old. He was completely fine and one night I was trying to get the other ducks in the duck house and he completely fell over and his legs shot straight out. He went limp and I thought he had passed away it was horrible. Then after about...
  14. T

    Sick Chicken.. Respiratory and Sezures

    Hello, I’ve seen many helpful answers to questions on this site for similar problems in the past and have found it helpful but this is more of a unique case I feel so I thought I’d share and try to get more opinions on what it could be. I am posting this on my phone so apologies if the...
  15. I

    Chick is having a seizure

    My chick is 13 days old, she's been always fine and way active but today she was kinda standing weirdly, I watched her for a while she fell on her side and starting moving her head frantically and couldn't stand up 😟 any idea what that is ?? It's the first time I have seen a chick doing this and...
  16. MysteryChicken

    I need answers, my chick seized, & died😭.

    My project chick started having seizures a couple hours after we cleaned the brooder. She was perfectly fine way before we done anything. Was running around all happy, eating, drinking, & pooping. What would cause this to happen so suddenly?
  17. marxrab

    Duck Seizure or Her Neck Went Limp? Not Sure What Happened!

    I was outside today sitting with my ducks just relaxing and enjoying watching them when I saw my 2 year old Black Swedish Smokey struggling in her kiddie pool. At first I thought she was having a seizure and I was afraid she would drown so I picked her up and put her on the ground. She was limp...
  18. EggyTheHen


    So I got two new baby chickens recently (Rhode Island Reds) and they are doing very good. They have grown in most of their feathers and are lively and don't show any typical signs of disease or bugs. They're lively and curious and just all-around happy. One of them, though, sometimes throws some...
  19. NWFoodie

    Indian Runner Duckling -Fright Seizures?

    I gave my 3 week old fawn and white Indian runner duck from metzer farms a fright tonight by trying to change the duckling’s water whilst they were sleeping and she appeared to have a seizure.. she kind of squealed when she saw me and then fell over and twitched for several seconds. I thought...
  20. Serafin

    My Chicken is Twisting Her Neck and Seizing.

    So, my two year old chicken went blind about six months ago after hitting her head. I was taking care of her, she was eating and drinking on her own, but still had head injury because of that. Well, about three weeks ago she flew out of the grazing pen that I would leave her in so she could...
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