sexing 12week

  1. RejectedSingleChick

    Sexing 2.5 month old mixed bantams?

    Hi all, this is a sort-of update to my last post. I successfully raised my rejected chick and have now fully re-introduced them to the flock. So far they are doing really well but still try to get back into the house whenever I am not watching, I've included a photo of them in this post. I had...
  2. opu

    12 weeks Speckled Sussex, Hen or Roo?

    Hi, We have been with these 2 Sussex for about 9 weeks or so. But just reading some the the threads here, I began to suspect that at least one of them is a roo, M. But what I'm not sure is N. Do you think she is a hen, or a roo? Thank you very much for your help in advance! We've learn a...
  3. S

    Black Australorp- Roo or Hen?

    My Black Australorp is three months old. I think I heard a crow! Is this a roo? We just got our coop ready! They'll be going outside in two more days!
  4. Qui1980

    Sexing 12-13 weeks old Silkies. I’m so lost🤔

    I have 4 Silkies, 2 black, 1 white and and Paint. I know the Paint is a cockerel, however having troubles with rest. No matter how much I research and compare I can’t quite figure it out. The paint is the only one with a waddle growing and has by far the largest comb. In the pics you'll See the...
  5. S

    Sexing 12 week old Ayam Cemani

    Hi guys, need you collective wisdom. 😀 Am I right that I've got 1 X hen (pic 1+2) and 1 X rooster (pic 3+4)? The combs are the same size in both but saddle feathers are different. Thanks
  6. M

    12 week old Australorps Roo or Hen??

    Hello! I’ve attached photos of my 4, 12 week old Australorps (that’s what we were told they were anyways) and I was wondering if anyone could tell me if they are roo’s or hens? I have a feeling 3 of them are Roos but I don’t know too much about sexing! They have colour identifiers on their feet :)
  7. Beckaryu

    Comb differences...?

    Approximately 12 wk old Australorp chicks all with different comb starts... why? and Do I have more roosters then I think?!
  8. H

    I think I have a cockerel

    I have a 12 week old barred rock, who I believe to be a cockerel. Would anyone like to try and confirm this from my attached photo? Thanks!
  9. BlueBantam Farms

    Sexing a Silverrudd splash

    Second photo: Full hen barred rock for so comparison.
  10. Misconceptions About Curved Tail Feathers in Easter Egger Juveniles

    Misconceptions About Curved Tail Feathers in Easter Egger Juveniles

    I've been noticing a lot of posts lately in which people are asking about the gender of their 3 month old Easter Eggers. There is a misconception that curved tail feathers at that age indicate a cockerel. This is simply not true! At the age of 11 to 14 weeks, the birds are not sexually mature...
  11. Rfle2195

    Is my Polish a hen or rooster?

    Hi! I have several silkies and a few polish. do you think this one is a hen or a rooster? He/she is almost 2 months! thanks for your help!
  12. EmilyEnns

    pullets or roos?

    hi there! looking for some help sexing my chicks! they vary in age but i believe the youngest are 10 weeks now and the oldest going on 15 weeks. It might just be me but i think they are all roos 🙈 i have 18 chicks and i’m only sure of 6 of them being pullets because they obviously don’t have any...
  13. EmilyEnns

    Barnyard Mix Sexing

    hoping for some help with sexing my 7 week old silkie/ silverudd isbar chicks. as well as the white ameraucana with the big red comb! i attached another picture at the bottom with a couple of our 12 week old chicks that i’m having difficulty sexing as well! would love some help!
  14. EmilyEnns

    Pullets or Roos?

    this spring i bought 18 straight run chickens of a barnyard mix, and i am having the hardest time sexing them. looking for some help as i have little experience in sexing chickens. they are all around the 9-12 week mark and a lot of them have big combs and some greenish feathering. (which makes...
  15. City Chick 2020

    3 month old australorp sexing

    Hi everyone! I raised 8 australorps (6 black and 2 blue) recently hoping for 4 hens (fisrt time having chickens since I was a late teen). 1 unfortunately had to be put down from an unknown neurological problem but of the remaining 7 I think I have ended up with 4 Roos and 3 hens. I am attaching...
  16. RobinDyan

    Help Sexing 12 Week Old Mixed Flock

    Hello, I would love some help determining the sex of our sweet birds. They are just over 12 weeks old. We have 12 all together, 2 Barred Rocks, 2 Blue Laced Wyandottes, 3 Buff Orpingtons, and 5 Americanas. We have some suspicions that we might have a few cockerels in the group, but we aren’t...
  17. P

    Easter egger / cockerel / or something else??

    Hi! I have this easter egger (?) that I'm looking to get some input on what s/he really is... She seems to have a bit of a spur (which I've also seen in my grown hens), and is a lot lankier than any chicken I've had. She also doesn't have a big muff that my other easter egger does. I think...
  18. Katdekema

    Sexing help!

    I swore i thought i hear her try to crow today and now I’m paranoid. Probably somewhere 10-12 weeks old do you guys see any ROO characteristics? Help lol
  19. Joe n Jess

    How can I sexing this chicks?!

    Hi everybody! I’m wondering what sex are this girls or boys.. I have an auracana rooster and an australop hen and this is what I got.. thank you for all the help
  20. B

    What breed and what gender?

    Hi everyone, I adopted these you d chickens a few weeks back from my daughters school (class project hatching eggs) and I have no idea what breed or what sex. I believe the are about 12 weeks old. Can anyone help me out?
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