sexing 6 weeks

  1. S

    Gender of 5ish week Buff Orpington

    I believe I brought this one home around the end of March, it was the only BO in the 7 chicks I purchased - the other 6 were black australorps, 5 of those were roosters lol - so I don’t really have any BO this age to compare it to I do have some BO pullets that I brought home at the end of April...
  2. F

    Help! Sexing 6 week old Pekin Bantams and Seramas

    Hi! I currently have 3 pekin bantam chicks and 1 serama chick. They are all 6 weeks old. Here are some pictures, what do you think they are, sex wise? Brown Frizzle is called Carlos Black one is called Alpine Millefleur is called Chickpea Lavender/Grey one is called Sesame. ( comb can just be...
  3. N

    Sexing barred rocks

    I have two Barred Rocks who are almost 7 weeks. I think that they are pullets. Any help would be appreciated since I would need to rehome any roosters.
  4. maryn7

    6-week OE and EE - sexing help please

    Checking in at the bare minimum because I'm pretty sure my EE is a cockerel (please say I'm wrong! - but I don't like the look of those red feathers on the sides). And I have no idea what's up with this Olive Egger - feather pattern is very strange. She's just got a whole bunch of fluffy...
  5. M1ss3s

    Prairie Bluebell Hen or Cockerel?

    Hello Everyone!, New to this forum but I have 4 already laying hens for a little over a year now and just recently got 4 more "hens" but I am questioning my Bluebell Prairie that is about 6-7weeks now. Cleo is very friendly and curious, loves to be held or roost on your hand, and gets along...
  6. kerryb90

    Rare Breed Lot - 6 weeks

    I bought a purebred rare breed mix from Foxfire Farms Poultry on eBay and hatched out several beautiful chicks that are now six weeks old. Anyone have any guesses as to their sexes? French Black Copper Marans #1 (2 pics) French Black Copper Marans #2 Blue Marans Blue crested polish (2...
  7. LovesteadMama

    6-7 week old Easter Egger chicks- pretty sure i may have mostly cockerels 🤦😅🤷

    I apologize in advance that these pictures are poor quality. 😝 I tried to take pictures of each chick and it was harder than expected to do by myself. I will create time to do that later. For the purposes of sexing, I'm looking only at my easter eggers (I've also got some buff orps, brahmas and...
  8. H

    Crowing 6 Week Old Rooster?

    Hello, I was wondering if my 6 week old chick, who is supposed to be a hen, is crowing or is something stuck in his/her throat. Does crowing guarantee a roo? I’m They are either an Ancona or an Exchequer Leghorn. Here is a link to the crow:
  9. Isyovi

    Sexing my 4 brahma chicks!

    So these are our four 6.5 to 5.5 week old brahma chicks. We suspect that two of thm are roosters and two of them are pullets. A vet said the same thing but wasn't entirely sure, so i want to see what you all think. Thanks for looking! 1. 6.5 weeks old, possible pullet. 2. 6.5 weeks old...
  10. Claudinechick

    Sexing my 6 weeks old silkie chick!

    Hi everyone! I know it's a bit early when it comes to silkies but can someone tell me if my silkie looks like a rooster or a hen? I am almost completly sure she is a pullet since she is so skitish and always hiding behind out little orpington rooster she also stands low compared to my previous...
  11. Frosty_2503

    What gender are these little ones?

    I’ve got 15 chicks, black copper Marans and olive/Easter eggers. Some of them are pretty obvious who’s who’ve but the others are more difficult. Help! The marans are 5 weeks and the eggers are 6.
  12. Frosty_2503

    Sexing Chicks

    I've got 20 chicks, black copper marans, easter eggers, and silkies. The silkies are 7 weeks old, the easter eggers are 6 weeks, and the marans are 5 weeks. When and how do I sex them? Is there a way to do so before the roos start to crow? I can send pictures of each individual chick if need be...
  13. L

    Gold laced polish ?6 weeks? Male or female?

    Hi all! I have a gold laced polish -she- is a little spicier than the rest and we are all worried we have a roo on our hands. We aren't allowed roos so the sooner we find out, the better for all of our "getting attached more everyday" hearts. Can anyone help??
  14. 7

    Silkies guess the sex game :)

    hi My silkies are 6 weeks old now and I’m wondering if any of the pros have opinions on what sexs I have. I can only really keep 1 rooster so I would rather adopted the rest out while they are young as possible so their new owners can enjoy this stage and bond. doesn’t look good, think they...
  15. Rachel311

    Hens or Roosters?

    I posted these chicks looking for breed identification shortly after getting them as babies, now they’re somewhere between 5-7 weeks old and I’ve been researching ways to tell the genders. Below are some recent pictures of them if anyone wants to make a guess. I’m thinking the last one is a...
  16. F

    Six week old Ameraucana (or EE) sexing???

    Hi all! I have four six week old “Ameraucanas” but I understand since I bought them at the feed and seed, they’re most likely Easter Eggers. Love these little ones. Can anyone help me sex them? Thanks!!
  17. shelbyw

    Six week old Black Copper Marans

    Hey everyone:) So almost 6 weeks ago I bought Olandsk Dwarf chicks and I also bought 3 Black Copper Marans. I was wondering if you guys could help me sex the 3 Maran chicks. I know I have one rooster and I am pretty sure one is a female. I do not know if the one with the floppy looking comb is a...
  18. Lleal90

    Anyone with silkie chicks knowledge/ sexing and breed

    So about a month ago I got my son these four silkie chicks for his birthday from a woman selling them an hour away off of Craigslist. Anyone familiar with what type they may be and possibly the sex? They were one week old, and our biggest named waffle was two weeks old. I’ve noticed not only...
  19. Jessi.Smith

    Sexing Houdan Chicks

    I have two Houdan chicks that are 6 1/2 weeks old. Little D is the first pic and Big D is the second (for the dots on their heads when they were tiny). At first I thought we had one of each sex because one feathered faster than the other. But now, I am not sure. They both have waddles and...
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