shipping birds

  1. Cassandragrenr

    Can live animals be shipped??

    (I didn't know what forum to use) Can living animals be shipped between countries of the same continent?
  2. Johnny829

    Anyone please ship live quail adult birds?

    I seriously and sincerely would love to get 4 female coturnix quail adults. I live in Boca Raton, FL. And I literally have called and driven around to see if any stores or anyone selling quails near me and it turned out nothing. And I searched online and they either don't ship adult birds or I...
  3. Johnny829

    Anyone please ship live quail adult birds?

    Hello everyone, I seriously and sincerely would love to get 4 female coturnix quail adults. I live in Boca Raton, FL. And I literally have called and driven around to see if any stores or anyone selling quails near me and it turned out nothing. And I searched online and they either don't ship...
  4. ktlady

    Moving out of Alaska with 2 hens

    Hi all! I’m not sure if this is even possible, but I am very attached to my two serama hens and wanted to see if anyone has advice on this. It seems that most airlines won’t consider letting me bring my two hens on a flight (first to Seattle, ultimate destination is Idaho), and I don’t know if a...
  5. Kalsti

    Shipping Ducks via Airlines

    We recently rescued 5 flightless geese and a duck. We found a wonderful ranch with owners who want to adopt them, but they are in the next state over. We wondered if anyone has shipped a duck (and geese) and what the experience was like. Were there any problems or issues? Thanks for any advice!
  6. Kalsti

    Travel with Flightless Geese and Duck

    We wondered if anyone has shipped flightless geese and a duck via airlines? We rescued these sweeties and have found a new wonderful ranch but it is in the next state over. To fly them there it will be an hour long flight. Can anyone advise us on shipping these birds? Is it recommended or has...
  7. tacothechicken

    Shipping of parrots?

    Hi guys! I was just curious because our family is thinking of getting another parrot since our last 2 keets passed away of old age a few years back and we're thinking of getting a parrotlet. But due to our location there are literally ZERO parrot breeders :'c and looking online I noticed those...
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