
  1. G

    So Cal: White Silkie Rooster

    I live in Southern California in San Bernardino county and am looking to rehome a Silkie Rooster (5 months old) as my city doesn’t allow them and we want to ensure it goes to the right place. Any thoughts for my Southern California compatriots?
  2. M

    Free sweet black silkie rooster needing new home!

    He is about 4 months old and is very gentle with the hens and our family (even with a toddler!) I would keep him but we aren’t allowed to have roosters. Located in Los Angeles!
  3. H

    What gender⁉️⁉️⁉️hatched on July 14

  4. Mr Oviraptor

    Breeding For Chocolate Silkies?

    What color Silkies do you need to breed for Chocolates?, I can't find anyone with Chocolates around me
  5. FleursDeJardin

    Silkie Rooster UPDATE:Rehomed!

    Our gorgeous boy needs a good home. Unfortunately, we cannot keep him in our county. He’s 5 months old, has been a good lookout in the yard, and mild-mannered. Pick up is in Nashville, TN in the Crieve Hall/Caldwell Hall area.
  6. M

    Splayed leg???

    Hi! I have 3 day old chicks. Right away I noticed my black silkie wasn’t putting much wight on her right leg, even keeping it a tad stretched out. Could this be a minor case of splayed leg? I have been trying to treat using vet tape wrapped around legs but still looks the same when we take it...
  7. B

    Chicken wobbly on feet and unable to stand and poorly vet does not know what’s wrong any help ?

    My 9 months old Silkie has been Broodie for the last 3 weeks, I kept taking her out of the coop but she had lost a fair amount of weight. Yesterday was the first day she was not broody. This morning she has come out of the coop unable to stand she keeps tipping backwards on her feet and is...
  8. S

    Need help sexing 6 week old EE chicks?

    Straight run (I believe that's the right term) from a local whose flock consisted of ameraucanas, brown leghorn, and road island reds, along with a few other breeds. -- Pay no mind to the silkie mom who has done a great job raising them. Although one does have feathered legs like a silkie...
  9. R

    It’s that SEXY time again !!!!! 🩷🩵

    Who’s who in the zoo 2 pics of each own there are 5 total
  10. White Valley Acres

    How do I breed smooth-feathered silkies?

    Hello everyone! I'm starting to dream up some future breeds I want to create in the chicken world and one of which I need to produce a smooth feathered silkie. I'm wondering if a smooth feathered silkie is a genetic difference from the silkie feathering (if it just randomly pops out) or if...
  11. R

    Elderly Hen Splayed Legs/Weakness

    I have a very elderly hen named Tenebris- she is minimum 7 years old, but I believe she is closer to 8 or 9. She was hatched in my care and is 50% silkie, 25% black australorp, and 25% copper maran. Tenebris has been healthy her entire life except for just recently when she very abruptly...
  12. EdgeC

    Silkie picking the wrong fights?

    So I have about a 18 week old (hen) silkie mix breed (mixed with black austrolope). She is the only of her kind that we have (are hoping for a brooder). Anyways we have kept her separated from the chicks (she didn't hatch and they are only about 9? weeks old (silver wyndottes and barred rock)...
  13. BlueHorse17

    Frizzle Silkie gender?

    Here we go again with a questionable Silkie. Asking for a friend; the bird is around 3-4 months old. I’m leaning towards pullet…?
  14. missmaqs


    I am drowning in frizzle chicks (black, white, brown), satin chicks, silkies - one week old. My girl hid eggs and they are everywhere. I also have a juvenile roo (black fluffy pic) and an adult Mottled Houdan Rooster. He's very friendly. I have way too many chickens, plz send help...
  15. LaughingLagomorph

    Hi, I'm hopefully a future breeder of ayam cemanis and others!

    I am by no means new to chicken keeping and have been obsessed with birds and homesteading since I was a young child. I currently have 5 ayam cemani, 2 unknown bantams, and 2 broad breasted white turkeys. I used to have a much larger variety of poultry and breeds. I am freelance commission...
  16. Knnelson20

    I’m so puzzled… my silkie is laying 2 eggs a day

    I only have one silkie hen in my flock and she has laid 2 eggs a day for the last couple of days. She just started laying last week and took a 3 day break after her first egg. After her break she laid one, then has laid 2 eggs a day since. Should I be concerned? The first couple of eggs were...
  17. T

    Looking for silkie hens

    Hi all, I have 2 older silkie hens that I would like to find friends for. A little backstory....I bought 3 chicks in March. One ended up having severe cross-beak, so I was able to find a sanctuary that would take her. The other two ended up being roosters, which I re-homed. My family is really...
  18. BlueHorse17

    Silkie crosses?

    Hi everyone. A friend of mine was wondering what this pair might be crossed with. I’m thinking Silkie (because of the five toes), but not sure what the other half might be. My wild guess would be Silkie x Cochin for the female, and Ameraucana x Silkie for the male? Any thoughts?
  19. M

    Prolapsed/Swollen Vent in 6 week old Silkie

    Help! I got a batch of silkies a few weeks ago and one has had a swollen/prolapsed vent since I got her and I don't know what else to do. The photo was taken right after I gave her an Epsom salt bath and put some Vaseline. Typically it is covered in white discharge.. Not sure if she has vent...
  20. C

    Buff Orpingtons and Silkies, Three months old, sexing help

    We were given our first two chicks, buff Orpingtons, straight run from Tractor Supply. They are now three months old. We have our suspicions, but it was semi-confirmed this morning when I heard a weak cockle doodle doo. I would love help sexing these! We also have one white silkie that is...
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