
  1. Knnelson20

    I’m so puzzled… my silkie is laying 2 eggs a day

    I only have one silkie hen in my flock and she has laid 2 eggs a day for the last couple of days. She just started laying last week and took a 3 day break after her first egg. After her break she laid one, then has laid 2 eggs a day since. Should I be concerned? The first couple of eggs were...
  2. T

    Looking for silkie hens

    Hi all, I have 2 older silkie hens that I would like to find friends for. A little backstory....I bought 3 chicks in March. One ended up having severe cross-beak, so I was able to find a sanctuary that would take her. The other two ended up being roosters, which I re-homed. My family is really...
  3. BlueHorse17

    Silkie crosses?

    Hi everyone. A friend of mine was wondering what this pair might be crossed with. I’m thinking Silkie (because of the five toes), but not sure what the other half might be. My wild guess would be Silkie x Cochin for the female, and Ameraucana x Silkie for the male? Any thoughts?
  4. M

    Prolapsed/Swollen Vent in 6 week old Silkie

    Help! I got a batch of silkies a few weeks ago and one has had a swollen/prolapsed vent since I got her and I don't know what else to do. The photo was taken right after I gave her an Epsom salt bath and put some Vaseline. Typically it is covered in white discharge.. Not sure if she has vent...
  5. C

    Buff Orpingtons and Silkies, Three months old, sexing help

    We were given our first two chicks, buff Orpingtons, straight run from Tractor Supply. They are now three months old. We have our suspicions, but it was semi-confirmed this morning when I heard a weak cockle doodle doo. I would love help sexing these! We also have one white silkie that is...
  6. BlueHorse17

    2 month Silkie gender?

    Hi everyone. I have a 2 month old Silkie from a batch of eggs I got off of EBay. All the others have a flat comb still except for this one. I’m assuming because of the difference in comb (and it being large already) that this is a male? Bad genetics or possibly a Silkie cross?
  7. M

    Day 21 - Alive, but no internal pip

    I’d put it down to temperature fluctuations but I had an egg that was placed next to it hatch late into day 20! So I’m a bit shocked to see its sibling is showing signs of life (I did a very quick candle) but no signs of an internal pip. What’s your suggestions please? Temps are 37.5 with...
  8. M

    Accidentally set to 38.5C for 48 hours on day 17 of incubation

    Hey! So I’m hoping for some reassurance. On day 17, the incubator went up to 38.5C for 48 hours. Now on day 19, I’ve brought the temps back down to 37.5 exactly. I’m just looking to make sure that this is okay? I’m sure a one degree difference for 48 hours won’t make a difference, but wanted to...
  9. L

    Silkie Rooster in need of good home

    Good morning!!! I am in the Terrell tx area and I have two Silkie roosters in need of rehoming. Would anyone be able to help me? Thanks in advance
  10. ChocolateWingTheRooster

    (Not sure where else to post) Uneven waddle on young Silkie?

    Just in case this could be illness-related I’m posting this here! Likely isn’t anything bad but a chicken parent is allowed to worry. I have a young Silkie, about 6-7 weeks old. Not sure of their sex yet, but at this point it’s leaning to cockerel unfortunately. Especially when looking at their...
  11. StepfordCuckoos

    Silkie or Silkie/Polish cross?

    These chicks hatched June 9th. I know it's way too early to tell what the genders are, so I'm not thinking about that yet. I am curious about coloring/breed though. The pen these two came from have a splash silkie hen, black silkie hen, buff laced hen, mottled cochin. We also have silkie roos...
  12. N

    Pullet or cockerel please help

    We have had 3 silkies chicks from day1 One confirmed roo, one we are 90% hen and then this guy. I have assumed roo from the beginning since he is our favourite and we can’t keep roosters. but I have some people saying hen. Please let me know if I have a vocal girl or if we need to find him a...
  13. Farm-momma

    8 week silkies gender

    We got five Silkie chicks in May and are wondering which are pullets and which are roos. They have been difficult to get photos of, but today I got two of them! One is 8 weeks and one is 7 weeks. Both have small combs so far. But Mo gives me some rooster vibes 🤔 Thoughts? 1) “Mo” - Black Silkie...
  14. Afaoro

    Silkies haven't laid yet - Should I be concerned?

    In early April, I acquired 2 Silkies from a breeder who was downsizing her flock. She told me the 1-year old hen was already laying, and the other was of age (just over 6 months) but hadn't laid yet. I've now had them for 3.5 months and they seem happy/healthy, but there are no signs of laying...
  15. georgiegoose

    Advice needed - potentially eggbound silkie

    Hiya, we have a 2 yr old silkie hen that is possibly eggbound but unsure if it could maybe be something else causing her distress. She hasn't laid for months but she is exhibiting a lot of the symptoms of being eggbound so we have been treating her for this. She is usually very active and...
  16. Coopin Is a Habit

    Mixed bag of silkies? 10 weeks old. Please help sex, thanks

    Hello everyone, I have two 10 week old silkies, please help sex, pretty sure I have the mixed bag of rooster and hen. The pics of the suspected hen are bad but she’s kind of skittish so I couldn’t get the greatest pics but she’s smaller than the one I think is a boy. Thank you in advance! 1...
  17. Z

    My Chicken Is Sneezing And Has Foam In 1 Eye, But Is Acting Healthy

    Hi everyone my Frizzle Silkie mix has been sneezing for a bit but she has been acting normal so I thought nothing of it. I use a scratch with a lot dust, so I thought the sneezing was because of that. Today I noticed one of her eyes had foam in it, so I immediately isolated her. I also took out...
  18. aryucrazy

    Silkie cockerels - Wisconsin - free

    I've got 8 week old silkies, and out of the 8 I hatched most are cockerels. I'll be keeping 3-4 of the cockerels. The rest of the cockerels will be available for free. We're in south central Wisconsin. I've included a picture of the first cockerel to rehome. He has started crowing already.
  19. JLoWil

    Silkie sexing time

    Pullet or Cockerel?
  20. Just G

    Silkie Chick Colours (Best Guess Please)?????🐣 and one with lighter skin??? 🤔

    Hiya, I've just managed to hatch 6 silkie chicks from 12 shipped eggs (handled badly by the postman) so very pleased with the result. Just wondering if anyone could tell me what colour adults you think they'd turn out. Any excuse to show off some cute lil fluffy butt's 🐣. Thanks In advance. Oh...
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