sneezing chick

  1. K

    Sneezing crackly chicks

    Good evening. I am hoping to get some advice on treatment for chicks that have just started sneezing and sound crackly/wheezing when breathing. This has started within the past 24 hours. I have not noticed any eye or nasal discharge.They are approximately 2-3 week old chicks and a variety of...
  2. best-guesses

    Chick Sneezing

    I've done some reading and from what I've heard, sneezing isn't a good sign. I believe my chick is occasionally sneezing, but other than that is completely normal. It just sounds like a small burst of air. Should I be worried?
  3. strawberricatt

    Chicks Sneezing With Clear Discharge

    My darn silkies are at it again. Just picked up Baycox for coccidiosis from the vet. Now my chicks are sneezing again. They sneeze constantly. Only one has clear discharge in is tiny nostrils. I can't go to the vet again. They sneeze constantly,and have been for a little white (Like almost four...
  4. strawberricatt

    Sneezing Week Old Chicks!

    Okay, my constant posting on here may be annoying, and if it is, i'm sorry. Yesterday night I saw my chick sneeze, and when I put my ear to him/her I hear a faint popping noise. When the baby sneezed a little bit of water came out of it's beak/nostril and it didn't smell at all. But the thing...
  5. ChikkiDoodleRoo

    Help me please chick opening and closing mouth/sneezing

    Hi my loves, Im back and a bit anxious. Edit to add: After researching I did see that those symptoms are present in Gapeworms, but like I said, she is only kept indoors, alone, in a sterile brooder, so how would she have gotten gapeworms? It says they get it from infected feces of earthworms...
  6. mnmoliv2

    Dry and flaky skin on baby chicks

    Hi everyone! I am a new chicken owner and I recently got 4 chickens. Two are both 2 weeks old, one is 3 weeks old, and the other one is almost 4 weeks old. All of the chickens have been sneezing (sometimes bits of snot, other times not) and shaking off dry skin. I don’t know if this is normal...
  7. S

    Chicks sneezing and wheezing for 3 weeks

    I have two 4-5 week old chicks that I've had almost 4 weeks. Since the day after I got them they have been sneezing with on and off bouts of congestion/wheeziness. They're growing, eat and drinking like normal other than the sneezing. The lady I got them from said she had URI infection going...
  8. B

    Sneezing chick!

    Okay, so my broody bantam just up and stopped sitting on her last two eggs. She'd already hatched three, I guess she was tired of waiting... one egg was dead, and the other was only just hanging on. It was so cold... so I put it in my incubator quick as I could, and hatched a healthy, happy...
  9. Nadiia

    Bird Flu??

    Hey guys.. Another silly post from me! I was wondering if you can catch bird flu from chickens?? I recently hatched a chick but she was the only one out of twelve so we bought her another chick so she wouldn't be lonely, the new chick is a good couple of weeks older but they're very close...
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