
  1. C

    Hi Everyone! -RomanGeese

    Hi everyone! I recently purchased five Roman Tufted geese. The one baby left “knee” looks swollen and it wobbles when it walks as it cannot fully put its I was told to put a makeshift splint on it and give vitamins daily. Just wanted to know if anyone else had something similar and what else I...
  2. N

    Adult quail leg injury. Hen not laying. Culled Bumble bird okay to eat?

    Q1) I have a 16 week old quail who isn't behing like a hen or a roo. It doesnt crow or mount and doesn't have foam. It doesn't lay eggs. The rest of its covey is normal and laying since week 8. No stressers, 15hrs light, good food, tried solitary with very controlled food and also now with...
  3. R

    Hen with severe leg injury

    One of our two roosters jumped on our smallest hen and did something to her leg. I imagine her leg is out of the socket or something. It's literally resting on the ground behind her. I cant feel anything obviously wrong with it but I'm no professional. She also has poop butt pretty bad come...
  4. N

    Chicken broke her leg two weeks ago, when should I take of the splint?

    Hi, I have a black star hen who was stolen right out of the coop two and a half weeks ago while I was on vacation. My workers were taking care of them, I completely trust them, but a thief came in the night and stole one of them while leaving the other two lose after ripping off the chicken wire...
  5. Joyfillednomads

    Assisted hatch, incubator issues

    After losing 6 eggs and 1 chick, I wanted to give up on this incubator. Something isn't right with it. But sadly either I lose the eggs or try at least. So in an effort to save 2 turkey eggs, I've been constantly checking this incubator. The heat and humidity were all wonky, and our turkey...
  6. Heartsopenwide

    Slip tendon splinting

    I have a Swedish Flower Hen Pullet with a suspected slipped tendon. She is walking on the top of her foot all balled up. She is eat, drinking, and otherwise acting normal. Any suggestions on what to do for her?
  7. C

    Chicken with fracture above hock

    Hello! We have a hen that appears to have broken her leg directly above the hock. There is green bruising and she cannot move the leg at all - it flops completely and she doesn’t respond and grab things with that foot. A few questions: 1) Is a splint that doesn’t cover the whole tibia worth...
  8. Spellbound4u

    Chick with dislocated knee or 1 splayed leg??

    I got a chick from a friend at 4 days old. She seemed to think the knee was dislocated so she put the leg in a splint. We kept it on for a week and the chick didn't use the leg much but still got around. When we took it off the chick had a cast sore but not unmanageable. Now the leg is kinda...
  9. Spellbound4u

    3 day old chick in a leg splint

    So a veterinarian friend of mine dropped off a 3 day old chick with me that she splinted the leg on. She came across it in a feed store and they were going to euthanize it. I'm not exactly sure what is wrong with it. It's eating and drinking and I keep moving it to be near the food and water. It...
  10. L

    Gosling with wry neck

    I went to get my lone gosling a friend from a local breeder and one of the babies had wry neck and she said she was going to cull him. I asked if I can give him a chance instead. I’ve been giving vitamin E, neck massage, daily exercise, tried handmade splints but nothing seems to be working...
  11. V

    9 week old duck with bad legs trampled by mastiff.

    My 165 pound mastiff pup, trampled my duck that hes bad legs. The poor thing had major rd rash on it's back and a gouge in its neck where the skin peeled back. This happened about a week and a half ago. I washed it up, and put antibiotic on him, and he appears to want to live. However, he can...
  12. S

    Slipped tendon, possibly dislocated hock, turkey

    I posted this in the turkey forum as well. Hoping it will get some attention here. I rescued a little poult from the hardware store, the others were walking all over her. I took her home in the hopes we can fix her leg and she can be a new family member. So here’s what’s going on with Little...
  13. S

    First time turkey momma, injured leg

    I rescued a little poult from the hardware store, the others were walking all over her. I took her home in the hopes we can fix her leg and she can be a new family member. So here’s what’s going on with Little Foot’s leg. When in the store it was out sideways and she wasn’t really walking on...
  14. Ansleigh

    Duck w/ Possible Broken or Fractured leg?

    So a couple months ago I posted about a duck that was limping and I thought maybe got stepped on by a goat or something, over the next couple days she got better and we put our two other ducks (around 12 weeks old) outside. She is perfectly fine which is why I thought maybe our roo messed her up...
  15. S

    Splint, amputation, nature or euthanasia? (Photos)

    Hey y’all. My poor little olive egger pullet got taken by a fox, but he was interrupted in the act and dropped her. Although she has no visible wounds (blood, puncture), she has completely lost the use of one leg. This happened about 4 days ago. I thought for sure that she wouldn’t make it. Her...
  16. SBFChickenGirl

    Chicks can't Walk, Slipped Tendon?

    I recently hatched my own chicks. The two chicks that are having problems can't really walk and get around by scooching themselves. They can move their legs, but can't stand. One chick had only one leg with this problem, but the other has two. I've been looking and it seems like it may be a...
  17. SheenaBee

    5mo Pullet /w folded toe. Break and set/splint?

    Good afternoon all, I have no idea how I didn’t notice this little ones toe when she was a little chick. By the time I saw it, she was about 12 weeks, but didn’t seem to be causing any problems or lameness and it was past the point of an easy chick-shoe solution. Fast forward to today, at...
  18. DarkWater1929

    Broken Legged Chick and Plaster Cast Fears - Advice?

    Hi! A fully fledged chick was brought to me, apparently with a broken leg. It had been about a week since the injury, and nothing had been done to assist the chick, other than removing it from its fellows. Taking it to see a vet is not an option. I have never treated a broken bone before. I...
  19. V

    Severely crippled duckling walking on left leg and right hock joint

    Hi everyone! Trying to help my little friend, "Eggburt" aka Egbee. He had been left by his mama because she had others that hatched and she was done sitting. When we found egbee, his egg was cold but he was alive! We brought him into our house and tried to warm his egg by putting him under a...
  20. AMoritz

    Splayed leg keet

    I have 2 hatched keets so far, Earl is 4 days old and Evie is 2 days old. Evie appears to have splayed leg. I though it was just cuz she was very young but it's def not getting better. There are times both her legs are OVER her wings :hit I read an article on here to use a small rubber band and...
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