
  1. gwells1980

    New Chicks please help

    I got 11 new chicks in from a hatchery; 5 Sultans, 2 Porcelain D'Uccles Bantams, 2 Marans, and 2 Easter eggers. Easter eggers can be tricky because they are a mix but I am hoping someone has had one like this before. Can anyone show me what it will look like when it is an adult? As you can...
  2. C

    I think I’ve just about identified all of our new additions, but still looking for a couple IDs

    We added 6 more chicks to our flock earlier in the spring and know most of their breeds and genders, but are still questioning a few. here’s a video of them today: Mostly I’m wondering about 3 of them: For the 1st chicken in the video, Priscilla - the buff chicken with the lovely hair, we...
  3. LorahS

    7 week old Sultan chick

    Hello everyone! It’s been a few weeks since I posted last. I was hoping for some people’s thoughts in my 7 week old Sultan. I still think it’s presenting male, hoping I’m wrong. What do you guys think? Still too early?
  4. LorahS

    Sultan pullet or Roo???

    Hello everyone! I would appreciate everyone’s thoughts on this little chicken. I think it might be a little roo😕 He/she just turned 4 weeks. Thanks!
  5. BrahmaMom1797

    Hen bleeding from feathers around neck, but no breakage.

    Hey all. I have a year old sultan hen who just recently started having some feather loss issues around her neck and upon inspection today these odd pin growths have started to bleed. There’s no bullying type wounds, it all seems to be just from these odd pin feathers. I’m really wondering what...
  6. linsybird

    Sultans or something else?

    I got these two chicks out a bin marked “crested”. I didn’t look closely enough, and thought they were polish, but they have feathered feet and an extra toe. The closest thing they look like on the hatchery website is the Standard Sultan, but in their picture of Standard Sultans, the chicks are...
  7. A

    Young Sultan: male or female??

    Hello! I have a young Sultan (around 10-11 weeks) named Eggroll who I’ve been having a lot of trouble sexing. I thought she was a female, but based on the growth of her comb and the shape of her crest, I’ve been Second-guessing myself... I was also making cockadoodle-doo sounds yesterday to try...
  8. Felixr1998

    Got a polish crested roo sooo I thought...

    I just drove 3 hours to pick up silkies and a polish roo, well I ended up buying a guinea too. Drove back 3 hours and when I'm getting this roo down I noticed it's feathered feet and I said wait.... Polish usually don't have feathered feet, then I realized they actually sold me a sultan which...
  9. melonhead

    is this bumblefoot?

    Another question about my Sultan's feet. I just adopted her, from a "show" situation where it seems she wasn't allowed to scratch or actually be on the ground. I think she must have been caged full time. So i've been trying to take care of her nails, and I noticed that her feet look...
  10. BrahmaMom1797

    Sultan Gender Help!

    I have two sultan chicks at about 8 weeks old. I got them from Meyer and ordered for only female chicks. I have polish hens and have already gone through the growing up of them as chicks, but sultans are a little bit different and harder for me to tell the sex. I’ve never actually raised them to...
  11. Twilight Sparkles

    What sex is my sultan chicken?

    Hi. I’m very new to having backyard pet chickens. We got a sultan chicken from a pet event early in October and i am guessing that she/he is around 4 months old now. Can you tell if Carlos is a she or a he? Thanks!
  12. U

    Utah - Bantam Cochin hen and Sultan rooster

    These two must go together. They are about 3.5 years old. The hen may be a Birchen or Silver Laced. The hen goes broody frequently if you are looking to hatch eggs. Rooster is very timid. They have been raised as pets.
  13. U

    Utah - Bantam Cochin hen and Sultan rooster

    These two must go together. They are about 3.5 years old. The hen is possibly a Birchen or Silver Laced Cochin. The hen goes broody frequently if you are looking to hatch eggs. Rooster is very mellow and almost timid. They have been raised as pets.
  14. terryannhill

    Sultan and Cochin bantams in need of home in Keller /Fort Worth.

    I am in the Keller/Fort Worth area. I am not sure on Gender of either. Hatched first week of April. The black one is incredibly friendly and likes to be held. The Sultan is a little shy but is friend once caught.
  15. terryannhill

    Are these two Roosters?

    I have a sad suspicion that both our chicks are boys :( What do you think? They were hatched late feb. Thanks in advance!
  16. Stephanie Mitchell

    Sultan cross with Ameraucana?

    I've ordered a handful of Sultans (standard, white) which I am hoping to cross with an Ameraucana rooster. The rooster is blue Wheaton. The angle I'm hoping to go for is a fancier Easter egger type, with beards and muffs and possibly feathering on legs. I want to end up with sand coloured birds...
  17. jwebb418

    Lap Chickens

    I am looking to get some snuggly lap chickens that like to be held and petted and visit us inside sometimes. The breeds I'm looking at right now are Silkies, Bantam Cochins, and possibly Sultans. Do Sultans make good lap chooks? Are they good with kids? Are there other breeds I should consider?
  18. sjango

    Houdan and Sultan Roosters

    I have a gorgeous Houdan and a lovely Sultan that need new homes. They are both roosters, and I already have one two many roos in my flock. I'm offering the two of them for a very low price, please message me for details, and I AM willing to ship! The Houdan: The Sultan:
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