
  1. justonemoreduck

    Weak Duckling umbilical normal?

    Hello this lil quack was the last to hatch. He never dries. Found him lethargic and cold in brooder box. Warmed him up, blow dried. Noticed umbilical is bulging. Is it going to be okay. Should I put triple antibiotic on it?
  2. ItsYelik

    Week old silkie chick with umbilical sore?

    Hey friends. I have a week old silkie chick that started crying and preening their stomach profusely. I looked them over and noticed a sore on their stomach. A little research into chick anatomy led me to the conclusion that it may be where the umbilical cord was. I have never had this issue...
  3. J

    Introduction - protruding intestine's

    Hi. I am a new chicken Momma. Just incubated my second set of chicks with success this time. I live in Kentucky. I am here because one of my newly hatched babies have an issue. She has been like this now for 12 hours. I thought it was umbilical cord at first. I wonder if I should be pushing it...
  4. allebasi4

    Is this an attached umbilical?

    This silkie chick just hatched (with assistance, it was very malpositioned (these were shipped eggs). I waited somewhere between 24-36 hours to help. It tried zipping but was making a vertical line down the shell instead... Anyway, it kicked off the shell on its own but had stringy stuff that...
  5. M

    Umbilical cord at a week?

    Hello all! I am a first time chicken tender. We got our day old chicks last Wednesday (they shipped Monday). We got 6 but 2 died in shipping so only have 4 now. So they are a week old now. I have one that came with her umbilical cord still on...she was a little more lethargic then the others too...
  6. Wilkinsbird

    Runty Appenzeller Chick has Soft Bulge Beneath Vent (pics)

    Hi! This is my first post on byc. I have a days-old female appezeller chick I'm a little worried about. I bought her from Freehling Farms in Kittaning PA two days ago. She had a little bit of poop stuck on her vent, but I gently cleaned it off. There was also a trace amount of dried blood the...
  7. A

    Pasty butt help! 4 day old chick

    I have a four day old buff orpington. Day 1 and 2 she was active, drinking, and pooping, no signs of pasty butt. Day 3 she became very lethargic. She slept most of the day and barely got up when you would touch her. She would get up, but then go back to sleep a moment later. She was still moving...
  8. CannedMonster

    Chick With Infected Umbilical?

    I bought this chick at TSC on Saturday along with 6 others. All the others are fine; eating, drinking, pooping, exploring. This one became listless this morning and I noticed soft stool stuck to her bum. I cleaned her but had to go to work. When I got home she was extremely lethargic and...
  9. Lazy Farmer

    Float Test Live Eggs? Interesting Video

    This is not my video, just sharing something I saw and thought was intriguing. The settings on the posted video are set for share so here it is. I was only researching the effects of float testing on the early stages of development, as hoping to learn if the float test does in fact, wash away...
  10. Lazy Farmer

    SUDDEN DEATH.. another one bites the dust :(

    Because we hatch 3 times a month, loosing a chick now does not devastate me like it did in the beginning. I am not a monster.. just I have excepted the fact that death is in the deck of cards. It is easy to become desensitized when you run a small farm because death is an inherited factor. We...
  11. E

    Wobbly Chick

    4 days ago my polish hen hatched 3 chicks 2 of which hatched fine however the third needed assisting getting out of the shell. After the chick had hatched its umbilical cord was still attached to it with the yolk sack however I left this to dry off. Presently it's cord is still attached to it...
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