
Free Ranging
5 Years
Nov 26, 2017
Southwest Idaho
I bought this chick at TSC on Saturday along with 6 others.
All the others are fine; eating, drinking, pooping, exploring.
This one became listless this morning and I noticed soft stool stuck to her bum.
I cleaned her but had to go to work.
When I got home she was extremely lethargic and had an empty crop.
More soft pasty butt.
I took her in the house and while cleaning her noticed a “scab” on her abdomen that won’t come off.
I did not pull on it but tried to gently work at it with warm water and a tiny bit of soap.
I don’t want to hurt the chick.
Could she have an infection?
She has wing feathers coming in already so i think she’s about a week old.
Is there anything I can do?
I have got her to take a couple of drops of Nutri Drench but she doesn’t want to eat or drink.

Keep cleaning the pasty butt, and I would first soak the infected area in warm (not hot) salt water, or water with Betadine solution, for at least 45 minutes. After 45 minutes, dab it dry, and apply neosporin or any triple antibiotic ointment. Repeat 2-3 times a day, as you can.

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