urban coop



    Well... on Tuesday March 2nd 2021 my daughter asked if we could make a coop and get some chickens... What kind of a Dad says "no"... Friday I started my build and here we are... I posted on a local farming FB page "looking for laying hens" and got four birds from one farm and two from another...

    TA DA! Home Made Urban Coop

    Well... projects 90% complete and our hens seem to be happy with it. I know my daughter is thrilled...
  3. RiversideChick

    Urban Coop Design - Tacoma, WA

    Just finished our urban coop for our 8 hens. Designed by my husband. Includes padlocks on the run door, nesting boxes and large door on the coop (for cleaning it out). There are 2 exterior nesting boxes. The smaller door for the hens to enter and exit their coop remains open for now - we buried...
  4. griffin18

    Thoughts about this Chicken Coop made by Urban Coop Company?

    Hello! I have 3 hens and I was looking at this chicken coop to buy. (link below) https://urbancoopcompany.com/product/round-top-mobile-chicken-coop/#coop What are your thoughts of the chicken coop? I also have 1 issue. I have an automatic door by Chicken Guard on my old chicken coop. It is a...
  5. ChitownHV

    City coop and run

    Here's a shot of my recently completed coop and run for my 6 8-week old girls. The coop is 18" off the ground, 4'x4' square, 6' sloping to 5'. The run is 8'x4'. There's a poop board and two levels of roosts. I'll post more pictures if asked, but I think you get a good idea of what you can do...
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