walking problems

  1. B

    My 5 weeks old chick have diarrhoea and her leg is stretching

    My 5 weeks old chick have diarrhoea and she is not walking properly and she stretches her leg. She still active she drinks and eat. I saw her poop this morning it is like water gel without any colour, she still fine that time, but after exposing her to the sun for more than an hour she started...
  2. NorthernChick1

    Criss Cross Stumbling Chick

    I have 2, 4 week old silkie/ee chicks. One is big and healthy but from a week old one had issues walking. At first we thought it was a deficiencie of some sort so we gave doses of vitamin e and egg yolks for a week which seemed to help. But the past two days ive noticed shes always laying down...
  3. BidDaddy

    Mareks? Maran unable to walk/pale comb/labored breathing

    We have a Black Cuckoo Maran that is about twenty weeks old. Recently, she began walking as if she were uncertain of his next step, kind of like a drunk. She also has labored breathing with her mouth open and heavy breaths. I thought maybe she was egg bound but she wasn’t. Her poop is solid but...
  4. C

    Mystery Diagnosis, in dire need of guidance.

    I have a 10 week Easter Egger chick, she’s been battling leg issues since week 3. She’s eating, drinking, gaining weight, normal poop, and has a lot of spunk, she just doesn’t stand for long periods. She’ll make the short trek for food and water, but she’s always sitting otherwise. Will stand to...
  5. Muthaofchickens

    Eggbound? Tried epsom baths, olive oil, massage... going on day 3...

    So I've had my sick chicken indoors for a few days now since I first noticed her walking around like a penguin. I've had this problem with other chickens before and usually a good soak in the washbin with epsom salts does the trick. So far she's had about 4 soaks each a half hour long with me...
  6. P

    Two day old chick walks strangely, clumsy.

    Firstly, I'm sorry for having to use the most terrible Microsoft Paint picture I could make but unfortunately I'm unable to get a photo at the moment. This lil' chick has had a rough start (I posted previously re: it!) but I've been giving her time outside with her mum and siblings and keeping...
  7. N

    Chicken Unable to Balance/Walk Around Normally

    Hey, I'm a new chicken owner and this is my first flock (All at 19 weeks now). One of my Hens laid an egg and then pretty soon, within 3 days I'd say, after that stopped being able to walk around normally. She just sat in the underside of their coop and ate and drank water, but stopped being...
  8. C

    Help (again) my Salmon faverolle cant stand!!!!!!! (Day 4: update)

    hello I had recently posted about my salmon favorelle who cant stand on her feet. its been a few days and she has become more alert. Day 1 she very exhausted and tired. we thought she overheated..we fed her some yogurt the firs day because she wouldn't eat solid foods..same happened the next...
  9. M

    Chicken walking gingerly with legs close together...

    Hi, I'm a longtime lurker here, and decided to post when i couldn't figure out a chicken's problem. We have around 30 hens, and one of our polish started acting up last night. She's around 2 years old, she's on the lighter side. The problem seems to be her walking. She walks at a slight crouch...
  10. MichyA

    Help! Chick Hatched with LEGS Straight Back!

    Hi everyone, just incubated and hatched two Silkie/Polish cross chicks. One hatched early this morning and the other just hatched about 2 hours ago. So the chick is brand new...but should her legs be straight back like that? I’m new to this so don’t know exactly what to expect. I know she needs...
  11. Selsee

    Chick can’t walk

    i have my one and only chick, Franklin. We fixed his curled feet, but he still can’t walk. He may need longer on his right foot though. He seems to be trying to stand straight and walk backwards. Other than that, he’s eat and drinking fine. Is there anything I can do to help him?
  12. venymae

    My duck isn't walking right...

    I bought three ducks out of the mixed bin at TSC. A pekin, a khaki cambell (I think), and Scooter (middle in picture). Scooter was a bit smaller than the other two, and now he's half their size a week later. He doesn't seem distressed, but sits on his bum all the time (doesn't stand to eat...
  13. Kenny_

    Duckling with contracted leg

    Hello, I had one duckling (either Ancona or khaki - not sure which) hatch out with a contracted leg. Unfortunately, I found her with her body mostly out of the shell but her body was stuck inside of the membrane and it had dried on, not allowing her to leave the egg fully. I've read only a...
  14. Blatessa

    Help my hen cannot walk/balance!!

    Hi! My chicken has had an issue with the "wobble" x3 days now. Monica goes to walk and acts as if she's drunk, she tries to balance with her wings but ultimately lays on her "knees". She is about 4.5 months old. I've separated her and monitor her closely. She's still eating and drinking plenty...
  15. P

    Very nervous first winter hen owners

    Hi all, Wanted to first shout out you all all to thank you for your posts as we have read them religiously in raising our pullets from chicks to full egg laying hens. Thank you all and I will try to help where I can. Winter: We have 5 actively laying hens ( 3 golden comets and 2 barred rocks...
  16. modenasilkie

    Help! Sick Rooster, Eats Fine, Balance Trouble

    I could really use some help with my Silkie rooster. I can't figure out what is going on with him, and so far nothing I have done seems to be helping him. His issues started a little over a week ago, and have been getting worse. I have been having issues with my Silkies for a while, and this is...
  17. D

    Chicken's hip allows leg to turn in

    Our spotted sussex has been having issues walking since we got her. The heavier she gets the harder it is for her to walk. Her hip goes in and the leg goes sideways, she has to use her wing to keep her balance. Does not seem to hurt her but she sits way more then the other chickens. Here is a...
  18. Headers Hen House

    Pullet Walking Weird...?

    I have an Olive Egger that is a cross between Cream Leg Bar and Black Copper Maran. We got her about 2 weeks ago and she integrated nicely. But as of 2 days ago, she seems to be limping and falling over when she tries to walk. Can't walk up the ramp into the coop at night so I've been lifting...
  19. CzyChikenMath

    Pullets legs don't work

    Hi. We had a chicken who we 'thought' slipped in muddy area last weekend (barred photo below), the joint felt/looked separated and we ended up putting her down because we didn't want to see her go slowly. She was about 3-4 months old. No other illness symptoms besides couldn't use legs and what...
  20. Chickenangel433

    Newbie 1-2yrs of 8 various breeds

    I just got my 8 hens last fall 3 pullets just started laying this summer. I get white/brown/green/blueish eggs but production has gone way down from 4-6@day to 1-3@day. My small old English blue is brooding but doesn't even lay. 2are molting. My main concern is for my New Hampshire red. She's...
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