weak chicken

  1. L

    Weak and skinny chicken

    I noticed about a month ago that one of my chickens’ combs was very pale and shrivelled and that she seemed to have less energy than the others. When I picked her up I also noticed that she is extremely skinny under her feathers, like basically a skeleton. I brought her inside and dewormed her...
  2. L

    Chicken wasting away and falling over

    I noticed about a month ago that one of my chickens’ combs was very pale and shrivelled and that she seemed to have less energy than the others. When I picked her up I also noticed that she is extremely skinny under her feathers, like basically a skeleton. I brought her inside and dewormed her...
  3. Heather McFloyd

    Black star hen

    Hey everyone 👋 I have 2 black star hens, both 3.5 years old. One is molting but healthy, a heavy girl who likes to check in on me every day. She's the boss hen. The other one hasn't laid in a while, has lost a lot of weight and is very pale. She is eating some but not much and moves slowly...
  4. C

    Not sure what is ailing my 20 week old chicken?

    Background: it will be day 7 of me noticing the fluffed feather area tomorrow (Thursday). At first I thought it was respiratory issues as all of my chickens have sneezing and some sound raspy. They all got the sneeze one after the other. But never had any snotty noses or lethargy. I started them...
  5. J

    Lethargic and skinny 1 year old hen!

    I have a 1 year old Brahma hen who is very skinny, not eating a lot, and generally lethargic and constantly tired. She doesn't move around much and chooses to lay down in random spots. It doesn't seem like she's eating a lot since I don't see her crop very full when I'm down there. She's in...
  6. T

    Another post about my sick bantam. Please help!

    Hi, this is my second post about my spangled OEGB hen. She went broody for about a month and a half (because the chickens laid eggs on her for a bit and we just left the eggs that had already started developing and made a door only she could get through) She hasn't laid since then. It's been...
  7. Haldipoultry

    Very sick hen

    ISA Brown, 18 months old, no panting, eating and drinking at 6 o'clock then found her like this under the deck. Gave her a warm bath and cleaned her vent area so I could see what's going on. The area is very swollen and had some crusty white build up that was difficult to remove. Treated with...
  8. A

    HELP my chicken is sick! What should I do!

    Hi, I have a buff Orpington that's a bit more than 5 months old. She's usually a quiet and weak chicken that doesn't play around with the other chickens so much and sleeps very often. She always has her feathers puffed up. The temperature where I live ranges from about 50 - 75 degrees...
  9. K

    Sick chicken!

    Help! I came out yesterday to find one of my girls sick and lethargic not eating and every step she would take she looked weak and would fall over. Everywhere I posted they said egg bound. I have her a bath electrolytes yolk and returned her back out after she did nothing inside. Today she’s...
  10. ChickenMasta1105

    Weird white watery poop in 14 week old chicken

    My approx 14 week old chickens have recently been pooping like this. Everything else, their behavior, how they eat and drink is normal. Is this poop normal? Pleae help.
  11. Pioneer girls

    Help!! My chicken has a floppy neck & can not stand properly!?

    Hi, I have a 5 month old Dominique chicken. Last night when I put the chickens in their coop she was a little slow and when she was in she just stopped and half sat half stood with her head all the way down. We thought she was just very sleepy but the next morning, when I let them out again, she...
  12. Z

    My girl is lethargic, molting and not eating or drinking

    I raise all of my chickens as pets, eggs are secondary. Anyway, Skye is about four now, an Orpington. She's my favorite and my oldest girl since her sisters have passed. She is normally quite rambunctious and picks on the others but has always been gentle and cuddlier to me. She's going through...
  13. jessicamichele

    chickens keep getting sick and dying

    Hi all! I have had chickens for close to a year. We love our girls and try to do everything we can to keep them healthy. This is the third time that we have had a hen get sick. It starts with lethargy and then they just sit down and don't want to move around. I separate them and give them...
  14. I

    Buff orpington lost weight, weak - need help!

    Hi, I have been reading posts on BYC for years but this is my first time posting. I need your expert and experienced advice. I have a buff orpington who started acting strange last week and I have 5 other seemingly healthy chickens. Here is was I see: -Very weak-wobbles and sometimes falls...
  15. LoveOrpingtons

    Chicken acts egg bound but is not...

    I'm on my last hope here. I have an Americauna who started walking really slow then not coming out of coop and preferred to sit in nesting box. That was about 4 days ago. She's had this kind of not feeling great behavior before and when we gave her Nutri-drench in water a couple days, she was...
  16. KikiDeAnime

    Moldy food stuck on feathers/weak hen (Idiot owner)

    Yes, I'm calling myself an idiot because I didn't notice sooner and I feel like shit. Anyway One of our Silkies is weak and can't stand for too long and keeps laying on her side while pecking at food. While I was helping her back up to see what was wrong, I felt something weird and when I took...
  17. EKemper1

    Emergency! RIR Age 3 yrs Hard lump on chest, and losing weight.

    My Rhode Island Red, Chocobo, has developed a lump on her chest. It is soft on the bottom but hard at the top. She went into molt a week ago, since then she has been exhausted and not eating. I thought it was a combination of the molt and the heat, and treated her for such. Vitamins, protein...
  18. H

    Black spots on tail feathers? Plus lethargic Wyandotte? Won’t move?

    hey there!!! Life has been very busy recently and I haven’t been able to see the flock as much so today I got home and got to see everyone and noticed one of my blue laced W’s was standing sorta narrow stanced with her eyes closed and sleepy, sorta wobbly. She isn’t warmed up to people yet, but...
  19. M

    HELP! My hen won’t eat and just sleep, looks very weak and won’t open her eyes

    Hello everyone, my English is not very good, I’ll try my best to explain the situation. Yesterday morning one of my hens made very big noise and woke me up, then I found the gate is open and she is outside the chicken coop, just near the gate. There are lots of cats in my neighborhood, I think...
  20. ChickenOwner2313

    Help! Weak chicken cannot walk!

    The last couple of days we have not checked on our chickens because we have been so busy with a lot of things, however when I went out there today I only counted 13 out of the 14 chickens I know we have. I searched around the coop, but could not find any sign that anything had eaten the chicken...
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