
  1. HuskerHens18

    What should be first?

    Long time no see, BYC! I'm going to make this post short and sweet lol. What should I treat first? Worms or coccidia? We had devastating flooding, it brought in a bunch of crap. I noticed some thinner chickens today and thought I should treat them to be safe. I have corid(liquid) and...
  2. DuckyShat

    I Think my Duck has WORMS

    My muscovy drake just stopped - all of a sudden eating yesterday. He drinks a lot of water, I mean (a lot), more than ever. Sometimes moves his head left and right like something bothers him. He seems depressed and don't want to be bother by anyone. He moves his mouth like if he's drinking water...
  3. hunthaven

    I've dewormed my hens and have another week of tossing eggs out. Could I hatch them if fertile?

    And that's my question. I have a rooster, and as I've been throwing out these beautiful eggs, I wondered if any were fertile . . . and if I could hatch any that are. Do I run the risk of 'birth defects?'
  4. Louisetho2

    Tapeworms won’t go away !

    Hi guys. I’ve got a recurring tapeworm issues. It started when I noticed those orange worms (photo attached) I first treated with Avitrol and they came back 2 weeks later. I’ve been told I didn’t give them enough so I retreated, and gave the second round after 10 days yesterday. Today I...
  5. OliveGreen

    Help! Did de-worming cause my Drake’s death?

    Hi everyone, I could really do with some advice. Two weeks ago my lovely little drake Frankie passed away just short of his 12th birthday. He had been getting a bit run down in his last month or two and was looking a little scruffy with a case of wet feather, and then one morning I noticed...
  6. MisaF

    De-Worming Ducks

    Hi all! My beloved Charles Duckens seem to be coughing a little here and there. Nothing horrible but it is a new thing and being new to ducks I am not sure what it could mean. She doesn't do it while she's eating, she always has lots of fresh clean water to wet her entire duck if she feels the...
  7. shelbster1027

    Ducklings have white worms in poop

    Recently got two ducklings from rural king, both have been living in kiddie pool in my house. Went outside to clean it out and put new shavings in and I noticed little worms crawling around . What can I do to treat them? Also I would like to treat my 5 adult ducks and two geese just in case. Can...
  8. O

    albendazole usage help needed

    Dear BYCers, I am suspecting that one of my 5 hens is infected with worms. She has been lethargic and pale for quite a long time (3-4 months). Her comb is pale and saggy and egg production has significantly dropped. I think I spotted a worm once in her dropping but can't be sure. From what I've...
  9. M

    To worm or not to worm?

    Hello, I have just gotten a peahen about 4 years old. I may want to incubate some eggs, as soon as she settles down enough to lay, but am worried that she should be wormed. Can worming wait a few weeks for me to collect some eggs or do I need to forgo that this year and just worm them all at...
  10. acceabex

    Lost a Goose... :(

    Hello! Sorry for lurking and never posting. I've come to a point where I cannot find the answer in another thread -- so sorry if I overlooked it. We lost a goose overnight. No trauma or any other indications, she literally just fell over. I purchased her and her sister at the beginning of...
  11. thinkyesi

    Can i put Zimecterin Gold in a gallon of water to deworm my chickens?

    I have 22 chickens who have round and tape worms. Ive never had thise problem before, so im new to deworming chickens. Yesterday i used wazine in a gallon of water. Can i use Zimecterin gold horse dewormer for the tapes worms? Also can i just put a certain amount it in the water rather then try...
  12. thinkyesi

    How long should i treat chickens for worms?

    I found out my girls have tape worm segments coming out in their poop, so i went to the feed store and the girl offered me only what they had which was Wazine. So in the morning i gave the girls 1 ounce in a gallon of water. And most of my girls look fine except for a couple who look weakish...
  13. M

    Worms and garlic

    Hey guys, just a question, I know garlic can help with protecting against worms for the chicken but can it help prevent them from incubating and living in the poo if I was to make a garlic spray and spray their bedding and coop?
  14. Worming Chickens—Medicines and Dosing Information

    Worming Chickens—Medicines and Dosing Information

    NEW PHOTOS: Photo credit: @casportpony Cecal worms Photo credit: @MrsBrooke Roundworms Photo credit @[email protected] Tapeworm It is always best to have a vet check fresh poop to determine if you have too many worms in your flock. Most vets, who do not see chickens, will still test poop...
  15. J

    Wormer please

    do anyone have types of wormer and dosages they recommend? My 7 chickens gave my 3 dogs worms :( Do we have worms because we have been eating their eggs???
  16. The Final Decision

    The Final Decision

    Our family has had an interest in owning chickens for quite some time. It has been difficult making the final decision because owning animals requires a lot of energy, time, and dedication. My career precluded adding more responsibilities to an already busy schedule that involved work, travel...
  17. Matilda Poppyseed

    Deworming Best Practices

    I've had a small flock of 5 hens for just over a year now and have noticed they're laying fewer eggs now than this time last year (0-2 eggs most days vs 2-4 this time last year). Also, most of the girls have poopy bums unlike this time last year. I've never dewormed them. Wondering if I...
  18. welovechickens

    Best worming medication for chickens

    My three girls are 7 months old now, laying like crazy, but today I noticed worms in a cecal dropping! They were very much alive. :sick What's the best wormer for what I assume are roundworms? I never had worm issues with my other chickens. Thanks,
  19. Internal Parasites - Parasitic Worms in Chickens

    Internal Parasites - Parasitic Worms in Chickens

    Internal Parasites - Worms Worms, what are they, where do they come from and what to do about them. Worms are everywhere... they are in the soil, insects can carry their eggs and they can sometimes be found inside your chickens as well. Knowing a little bit about their life-cycles and how...
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