“Baby” rooster


May 21, 2021
We have a cockerel who was hatched by one of our hens in early May. I just realized he was a rooster a few days ago. The hen was a very good mama and protected this cockerel up until about a month ago. However he still follows her around very closely. I feel bad for him because he’s always by himself and never with the flock. The other girls pick on him. Our other rooster ignores him (he’s a dream rooster!). Now the mama hen is laying on eggs (is it too late?? Should I set up a brooder? We are in Middle GA). My real question is when will he not be so clingy to his mama hen? He lays next to her in coop during the day and if she’s out, he’s right there with her. I swear she decided to lay on eggs just to get some alone time. 😂


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Poor baby roo. My hens tolerated my baby roos but they went to the bottom of the pecking order once they got old enough to crow . I often found them sleeping outside at dark the girls.were so mean. Luckily I found someone who's flock got killed by a fisher or weasel, so the boys are now living there best life with young ladies, and not the mean old hens.
Ugh, same. Mine was badly injured by the hens, he made a full recovery, but now is all by himself. His mom hatched another chick.
Mine grew up big and bad..but now they live down the street . I'm sure his inner badass will come out eventually..
Poor baby roo. My hens tolerated my baby roos but they went to the bottom of the pecking order once they got old enough to crow . I often found them sleeping outside at dark the girls.were so mean. Luckily I found someone who's flock got killed by a fisher or weasel, so the boys are now living there best life with young ladies, and not the mean old hens.
Should I rehome him or will he eventually be accepted? I wanted to keep him since he has the genes of our other rooster who is such a gentle rooster - to his hens and to all people. He’s even gentle to other roosters. But he’ll fight a hawk when he has to. I’m worried if something happens to him, then we won’t have a backup. But I don’t want this new one to be off on his own.
Should I rehome him or will he eventually be accepted? I wanted to keep him since he has the genes of our other rooster who is such a gentle rooster - to his hens and to all people. He’s even gentle to other roosters. But he’ll fight a hawk when he has to. I’m worried if something happens to him, then we won’t have a backup. But I don’t want this new one to be off on his

Should I rehome him or will he eventually be accepted? I wanted to keep him since he has the genes of our other rooster who is such a gentle rooster - to his hens and to all people. He’s even gentle to other roosters. But he’ll fight a hawk when he has to. I’m worried if something happens to him, then we won’t have a backup. But I don’t want this new one to be off on his own.
It sounds like it's all just part of the pecking order. If he's got the breeding of your other rooster why not keep him around? Mom's just telling him time to grow up. One of my old roosters is still a loner, likes to live outside his coop and sleep on top. He seems happy enough.
It sounds like it's all just part of the pecking order. If he's got the breeding of your other rooster why not keep him around? Mom's just telling him time to grow up. One of my old roosters is still a loner, likes to live outside his coop and sleep on top. He seems happy enough.
We have a cockerel who was hatched by one of our hens in early May. I just realized he was a rooster a few days ago. The hen was a very good mama and protected this cockerel up until about a month ago. However he still follows her around very closely. I feel bad for him because he’s always by himself and never with the flock. The other girls pick on him. Our other rooster ignores him (he’s a dream rooster!). Now the mama hen is laying on eggs (is it too late?? Should I set up a brooder? We are in Middle GA). My real question is when will he not be so clingy to his mama hen? He lays next to her in coop during the day and if she’s out, he’s right there with her. I swear she decided to lay on eggs just to get some alone time. 😂
That poor mama hahaha
Reminds me of the "thirty year old guy in ma's basement" sort of situation. He will grow out of it eventually but you wouldn't want him near new babies.
Looks like this post is almost a month old.
If it were me, I'd pen him and a select group of younger hens together. Separate him from his m I'd put him in a dog crate inside the pen with the hens roaming free to see if they will all acclimate. Eventually they should get along.
That poor mama hahaha
Reminds me of the "thirty year old guy in ma's basement" sort of situation. He will grow out of it eventually but you wouldn't want him near new babies.
Looks like this post is almost a month old.
If it were me, I'd pen him and a select group of younger hens together. Separate him from his m I'd put him in a dog crate inside the pen with the hens roaming free to see if they will all acclimate. Eventually they should get along.
I know! Poor mama hen! Lol! Well, none of her eggs were fertilized so I ended breaking her broodiness. But that’s good info for the future. He’s still following her around, but is finally venturing out more on his own and the other hens are tolerating him a little better. He’s a lot bigger than all the hens so I’m not too worried about them hurting him. He’s six months old and just started crowing today. He’s just a late bloomer, I guess.
I know! Poor mama hen! Lol! Well, none of her eggs were fertilized so I ended breaking her broodiness. But that’s good info for the future. He’s still following her around, but is finally venturing out more on his own and the other hens are tolerating him a little better. He’s a lot bigger than all the hens so I’m not too worried about them hurting him. He’s six months old and just started crowing today. He’s just a late bloomer, I guess.
It sounds like he's growing out of it. I guess he is. I wonder if that's individual, or if it's genetically connected.

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