“Share Helpful Backyard Poultry TIPS” a Random Posting CONTEST Thread ~ Hosts, Mike & Sally

I will show you how tomorrow when I can work on some image explainations, may help the womens who arent or cant carry hundred pounders anymore!!
I've used a combo hand truck (can work vertically or has extra small wheels and movable handle to go horizontal) for years to move stuff.
Use it to move 50# feed bags into coop shed, then scoop most out of bag into bins.

Moving stuff with tarp I learned as a kid from Dad who used huge tarps to move raked leaves to the curb.
Nice I am going use my chicken tractor for brooder this time. Hope to have a small barm built soon and I will hatch and brood in there. Never enough free time to get it all done.
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I finally figured out why cowboy boots are worn.... Went out to do my out door chores with my stompers on and the roo came after me and I didnt feel a thing and kicked him to the curb.

That's how my first rooster meet his match. He attacked my kids then me... I kicked him across the yard then grabbed him and
he tasted good
I will show you how tomorrow when I can work on some image explainations, may help the womens who arent or cant carry hundred pounders anymore!!
I've used a combo hand truck (can work vertically or has extra small wheels and movable handle to go horizontal) for years to move stuff.
Use it to move 50# feed bags into coop shed, then scoop most out of bag into bins.

Moving stuff with tarp I learned as a kid from Dad who used huge tarps to move raked leaves to the curb.
the link is taking to home page, it wont open what you use!
and yes, me too....on the tarp as I learned it at the country club where I worked, and to use the flat side of the rake to rake crap onto and lift into the trash cans too

I hate when that happens!
Try that.. google search
Make your heat lamp last longer by using a Variac!! You can control how high of a level of light/heat to supply your birds based on their temperature. I found this a lot easier than constantly having to reposition the heat lamp higher or lower. Using a Variac allows you to hang your heat lamp where you want and allow you to control the settings on the variac!

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