“Share Helpful Backyard Poultry TIPS” a Random Posting CONTEST Thread ~ Hosts, Mike & Sally

Whitewash inside of your coop! Old-fashioned, cheap and easy. Repeat once a year. Reduces mites and those tiny ick bugs chickens get...

7 cups HYDRATED lime (garden or feed store)
2 cups salt
1 gallon water
Mix well
Slop it on, Get in all cracks and crevices
Do once yearly when cleaning coop.
Goes on "clear", dries white...

Sleds ~ They have many uses!
I am not to lift up more than 30lbs after my surgeries, and for life I am told! yeah ok Doc,
like that is gonna happen right? Our Chicken feed bags are 100lb bags, I needed a way to do so myself as necessary.

I grabbed the kids snow sled, dropped a bag of feed right off the pile down onto the sled, and drug it out to the Metal trash cans I have at each chicken pen area.

Once I got to the can I had to figure out how to put the feed in without lifting it! As it works out, the long sled fit right into the trash can when I had it laid over, SLED AND FEED both! slid right into the can!

All I had to do was stand the can up and pull the sled out, put lid on trash can and done! I always do it this way now, along with bringing in our coal buckets after I fill them, wood and kindling, waterers to the coops and on and on. We even use them at the beach to lug our coolers and fishing stuff down so we dont have to try to carry it all!

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Sleds ~ They have many uses!
I am not to lift up more than 30lbs after my surgeries, and for life I am told! yeah ok Doc,
like that is gonna happen right? Our Chicken feed bags are 100lb bags, I needed a way to do so myself as necessary.

I grabbed the kids snow sled, dropped a bag of feed right off the pile down onto the sled, and drug it out to the Metal trash cans I have at each chicken pen area.

Once I got to the can I had to figure out how to put the feed in without lifting it! As it works out, the long sled fit right into the trash can when I had it laid over, SLED AND FEED both! slid right into the can!

All I had to do was stand the can up and pull the sled out, put lid on trash can and done! I always do it this way now, along with bringing in our coal buckets after I fill them, wood and kindling, waterers to the coops and on and on. We even use them at the beach to lug our coolers and fishing stuff down so we dont have to try to carry it all!

I love sleds!!!!!! They rock compared to wheelbarrows!
Trash Can Chickens/Turkeys

http://www.herculesengines.com/trash can turkey/index.htm
Today's tip: always look closely at the comb size and coloring of the "pullet" you are picking up in case the seller is a bit dense...At least he's cute (and very quiet so far)
(Luckily I traded for a chick that I got for free, so haven't lost anything really. Giving him away to someone who KNOWS he's a boy this weekend, I hope)
Sleds ~ They have many uses!
I am not to lift up more than 30lbs after my surgeries, and for life I am told! yeah ok Doc,
like that is gonna happen right? Our Chicken feed bags are 100lb bags, I needed a way to do so myself as necessary.

I grabbed the kids snow sled, dropped a bag of feed right off the pile down onto the sled, and drug it out to the Metal trash cans I have at each chicken pen area.

Once I got to the can I had to figure out how to put the feed in without lifting it! As it works out, the long sled fit right into the trash can when I had it laid over, SLED AND FEED both! slid right into the can!

All I had to do was stand the can up and pull the sled out, put lid on trash can and done! I always do it this way now, along with bringing in our coal buckets after I fill them, wood and kindling, waterers to the coops and on and on. We even use them at the beach to lug our coolers and fishing stuff down so we dont have to try to carry it all!

Fun and helpful all at once; who knew?
Instead of buying oyster shells reuse the eggshells from your used eggs!

First step, you use the egg and set the shells aside.

Wash the eggshells off with water, then place them on a baking sheet. Put them in the oven at 200-250 degrees and dry the eggshells. Once dried put the eggshells in a bowl and crush them up with the end of a pill bottle... or if you have a motor and pestel you can use that instead. Crush the eggshells up really good then mix them into your chicken / guinea feed if you normally do that. Otherwise self serve the eggshells in a separate feeder/dispenser. You can save some dollars if you are willing to put the time into it.
Instead of buying oyster shells reuse the eggshells from your used eggs!

First step, you use the egg and set the shells aside.

Wash the eggshells off with water, then place them on a baking sheet. Put them in the oven at 200-250 degrees and dry the eggshells. Once dried put the eggshells in a bowl and crush them up with the end of a pill bottle... or if you have a motor and pestel you can use that instead. Crush the eggshells up really good then mix them into your chicken / guinea feed if you normally do that. Otherwise self serve the eggshells in a separate feeder/dispenser. You can save some dollars if you are willing to put the time into it.
Does this increase the chance of chickens starting to eat their own eggs?
Does this increase the chance of chickens starting to eat their own eggs?

I am not sure to be honest. I don't have any chickens. I have guinea fowl but learned the information online. I cannot remember the website off the top of my head. I know you have to crush them up really small helps prevent the birds from realizing its egg shells. I am hoping maybe someone here on BYC has experience and can share! Sorry I could not answer your question!

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