“Share Helpful Backyard Poultry TIPS” a Random Posting CONTEST Thread ~ Hosts, Mike & Sally

I have looked into this question myself, and apparently if the eggshells are crushed like @Gwynny7 says, it does not increase the chances at all. Seems like lots of folks feed their chickens scrambled eggs too as a treat! Also re: the eggshells, super important for laying hens to get that calcium....it seems to be a common practice...
I did not realize you could feed scrambled eggs to chickens as a treat! I think you can feed some part of a cooked egg to day old chicks if you happen to have no chicken starter on hand. I can't remember if it's egg whites or yolk? I think the egg was hard boiled first.... but I could be wrong. I have never used the method personally.

I did find this thread from a quick Google search:

I'm so proud of my 8 year old daughter. She has a speech due next week about something important to her. She chose How backyards can save the world.

I am putting a copy here because I think it's a very helpful little speech for a 3rd grader.

Hello. My name is Paige Jordan and I want to tell you about how backyards can save the world. A man named Micheal Pollan once said " That as long as the sun still shines and people still can plan and plant, think and do, we can, if we bother to try, find ways to provide for ourselves without diminishing the world.
At our house, we plant and grow a fruit and vegetable garden every year. This way we can provide fresh and healthy food without pesticides for our friends and family. By collecting rain water we can tend our garden without using natural resources during times of trouble like a drought or heatwave. Canning our fresh grown fruits and vegetables can provide us with supplies for later use.
We also have a backyard chicken coop that gives us meat and eggs instead of traveling to the store. We use leftover vegetables from our garden to help feed the chickens and place any remains in a compost bucket and chicken droppings are collected for a natural fertilizer for the garden.
Our local farmers market is a great place to find feed, seeds and foods without going to a grocery store. This way we can support our local economy instead of a big business name. By doing these few simple things we help out friends, family and community by providing safe foods and insuring our local way of life for future generations.
Thank you for taking the time to listen to how my family and yours can use your backyard to save the world.
I'm so proud of my 8 year old daughter. She has a speech due next week about something important to her. She chose How backyards can save the world.

I am putting a copy here because I think it's a very helpful little speech for a 3rd grader.

Hello. My name is Paige Jordan and I want to tell you about how backyards can save the world. A man named Micheal Pollan once said " That as long as the sun still shines and people still can plan and plant, think and do, we can, if we bother to try, find ways to provide for ourselves without diminishing the world.
At our house, we plant and grow a fruit and vegetable garden every year. This way we can provide fresh and healthy food without pesticides for our friends and family. By collecting rain water we can tend our garden without using natural resources during times of trouble like a drought or heatwave. Canning our fresh grown fruits and vegetables can provide us with supplies for later use.
We also have a backyard chicken coop that gives us meat and eggs instead of traveling to the store. We use leftover vegetables from our garden to help feed the chickens and place any remains in a compost bucket and chicken droppings are collected for a natural fertilizer for the garden.
Our local farmers market is a great place to find feed, seeds and foods without going to a grocery store. This way we can support our local economy instead of a big business name. By doing these few simple things we help out friends, family and community by providing safe foods and insuring our local way of life for future generations.
Thank you for taking the time to listen to how my family and yours can use your backyard to save the world.

Did your 8 year old write this?
Did your 8 year old write this?

She told me what it should say. I cleaned up the gramer a little but she came up with it herself. Her ideas and concepts. I was floored. I'll be honest. I knew she loved being outside when we worked out there but to think she would come up with this. By herself!!! I found the quote for her to tie in something from someone else. She needed a quote to meet requirements.

Charcoal and chickens
charcoal as a chicken feed supplement can provide real health benefits for your chooks.

age-old practice of adding charcoal to drinking water or feed.

The charcoal is able to absorb toxins from the food or water, improving hygiene and chook health.

Better hygiene can also help prevent infections such as Salmonella in meat and eggs.

While it has no nutritional value itself, charcoal contributes to keeping an animal’s digestive system healthy.

It is a laxative and can help move the impurities it absorbs out of the body.

If worms or worm eggs are present, it can to some degree help move them out of the body as well.

Poultry feed containing 1-1.5% charcoal has resulted in increased laying rate, a longer laying period and increased egg weight.

reduce the odour of chook manure.http://earthwisegardening.com/?p=235

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