➡I accidentally bought Balut eggs: 2 live ducks! Now a Chat Thread!

Won't be much longer.
Goliath Giant tomatoes


Northern Exposure tomatoes
I went back and enjoyed all the photos you have been posting. They are beautiful and lifted my spirit this week.

Very jealous of your tomatoes.
Late April I set out over 200 tomato plants in 9 varieties that I started from seed. These were between 8 and 12 inches high and some had blooms and tiny tomatoes. Hubby and I dressed each plant with aged compost and the covered that with straw and watered everything in well. They took off like rockets and we didn't lose a single plant.

Unbeknownst to us about a few weeks later the neighbor to the 1/2 mile south of us decided on a windy day to spray herbicide on the weedy barb wire pasture fence between our properties. Of course the wind was blowing from the south to the north.

The next morning I go out to water my garden and almost every tomato and eggplant has curled and deformed leaves at the top of each plant. I'm furious and devastated at the same time but determined! I set the sprinklers and waited. Nothing died back so I snipped off the deformed leaders and watched for sprouting side shoots. The plants are stunted and just now coming back in to bloom. So I may have a few August tomatoes.
What ever he used did not mess with the squash, peppers, carrots, turnips or brassicas. Perplexed by that.
And no, I didn't go storming down to the neighbor to confront him. The older couple is in poor health and he probably thought he was doing us a favor. And they are related to almost everyone in our small community.

Been eating tomatoes for most of a month and the weather is slowly killing them. A few more on the vine and I found another volunteer coming up. The chickens are great at planting squash and tomatoes everywhere.
Gotta love those feathered gardeners.
I went back and enjoyed all the photos you have been posting. They are beautiful and lifted my spirit this week.

Very jealous of your tomatoes.
Late April I set out over 200 tomato plants in 9 varieties that I started from seed. These were between 8 and 12 inches high and some had blooms and tiny tomatoes. Hubby and I dressed each plant with aged compost and the covered that with straw and watered everything in well. They took off like rockets and we didn't lose a single plant.

Unbeknownst to us about a few weeks later the neighbor to the 1/2 mile south of us decided on a windy day to spray herbicide on the weedy barb wire pasture fence between our properties. Of course the wind was blowing from the south to the north.

The next morning I go out to water my garden and almost every tomato and eggplant has curled and deformed leaves at the top of each plant. I'm furious and devastated at the same time but determined! I set the sprinklers and waited. Nothing died back so I snipped off the deformed leaders and watched for sprouting side shoots. The plants are stunted and just now coming back in to bloom. So I may have a few August tomatoes.
What ever he used did not mess with the squash, peppers, carrots, turnips or brassicas. Perplexed by that.
And no, I didn't go storming down to the neighbor to confront him. The older couple is in poor health and he probably thought he was doing us a favor. And they are related to almost everyone in our small community.

Gotta love those feathered gardeners.
Well I see your point about not raising a ruckus with the neighbors, ...buuut how is he going to know not to do it again if he doesn't know it happened?

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