Hi! Hello! šŸ‘‹
We are brand spanking new chickrents & chiblings, here! (Only previous experience we are holding onto is that I grew up on a hobby farm in Florida for most of my childhood šŸ˜Š)
We have been researching and discussing how to grow our little ā€œurban homesteadā€ for a loooong time and hubby figured if we didnā€™t take the leap of faith, how would we ever get started!?! Anyway, we are starting out with just three chicks for now & went with a variety of breeds to learn about each and grow from there; Ameraucana, Sapphire Gem, and an Amberlink (per our local FFH). To be fair, my husband let our 7 year old choose ā€œthe cutest ones EVER!ā€, according to her.. šŸ˜† I think the kids and I (me personally, for sure!) are excited to watch our chickens grow and flourish while providing nourishment for our bellies as well as our property. Iā€™m most excited to finally be able to share my love for animals with them in a whole new way! To be honest, Iā€™m an ADHD person, so I am always finding new ways to stimulate and occupy myself, so Iā€™m always down for a new adventure!! Im also a huge crafter and explorer. I love learning WHY and HOW stuff works.. Finding patterns and links in things that neurotypical people would probably think I was nuts for! šŸ˜† šŸ¤·šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø I love to fish, swim, watch things grow, and am always itching to learn something new! We have 2 cats, 3 dogs, four kids (7-16yrs), and lots of drive to become better (& healthier) humans! I came across BYC today, and joined immediately after reading a few different threads (with lots of great info). So excited to see what else this community has to offer!
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Welcome. Congratulations on taking the homesteading plunge.

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