1.5 month old with wry neck


Feb 5, 2017
Hello, I have a friend who hatched out chicks earlier this spring, and she had one that has symptoms of wry neck/ stargazing. She says it can eat and drink by it’s self, and it isn’t super contorted like others I’ve seen. I wanted to know what products you’d recommend to give it some vitamin e and selenium, and what dosage should I use?
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I would also give B1 thiamine along with the E, since star gazing can sometimes be from thiamine deficiency. Many chick vitamins such as Poultry NutriDrench and Poultry Cell have all 3 ingrediients. You can also bump up the E with a 400 IU softgel daily. If would treat it for at least 2 weeks to see if there is improvement.

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