1 wk Runt Silkie Chick - suspected spraddle leg/curly toes. could be neuro??


6 Years
May 12, 2015
hi there.

I have read many helpful threads on here regarding chicks with spraddle leg and curly toes. along with hip issues and tendons slipped etc.

I cannot figure out which issue this particular chick has, but have attempted most suggested treatments for all things.

the story is -
This silkie chick (we have named Mumble like from Happy feet due to the way he walks) was born on April 22nd, his clutch mates were born on April 18th. They were hatched in an incubator by a silkie farming friend of mine.
He had a long drawn-out hatch and my friend said she had to help her out of her shell.
also I do not think they are pure bred silkies, the dad definitely has a bit of something else in him.

when I went to see the chicks I noticed first that he definitely had curly toes. he could not walk and his legs were pulled right into his chest. I took him home to care for him and he's been getting 1:1 attention. at first his eyes were closed and he is unable to eat on his own. I started with egg yolk and some wet chick starter (medicated) that we use for all of our chicks). I've been doing some physical therapy that we've done with other chicks over the years, too. (light stretching, monitored time on flat but grippy surfaces etc)

I tried to do the little hobble for his legs (spraddle legs approach) but it caused him WAY too much stress, so I removed it. His legs don't seem to be straddled the way I've seen some before anyway. but they are definitely odd. he doesn't like to be fussed with unless I am feeding him. he prefers the company of his feathered friends lol.

I put the little shoes on him for his curly toes and today he still has one bandaid-style shoe on his 'curlier' foot. The less curly foot actually is missing a toe, also. at least for a silkie. he was having a hard time bearing weight on the missing-toe-foot but seems to be improving in that regard.

I had him in the pen with his siblings that I had taken home as well, but seperated by screen so they could still see and hear each other. They slept against the screen together which was so sweet.

As his siblings got bigger and bouncier (so much energy for silkies! maybe roos) they kept her from resting so I put her into a seperate brooder. She seemed extra stressed and chirped constantly so I ended up putting a 2 day old pure bred silkie in with her for company. The two have been great friends and it seems to have helped her mood so much and has brought out some bouts of spunk in her. (the rest of her siblings are healthy so I was confident enough to add the other chick without worrying that what she has is contagious)

She seems to be improving in the way she walks, can take steps for periods of time but then will revert to dragging her leg again for some time. When I hold her she bends her legs seemingly properly, so I try to do that for minutes at a time.

however, her recovery/growth seems to be a rollercoaster. sometimes she seems to be improving tenfold, sometimes she seems totally down for the count. her siblings are 105+ oz while she is a meek 25 oz as of today. the younger silkie I have is 35 oz.

she is eating independently now.. I am mixing some dry yolk into her food still because otherwise she won't eat it but have mostly switched her to chick starter which is the goal.

I understand that leg issues can be due to vitamin deficiencies, so I have her on poly vi sol (no iron). unfortunately we don't have nutri-drench here in Canada but I did order some online. But it is taking a long time.
However - it has been difficult finding specific dosage for poly vi sol for chicks online.

when he is resting, his leg is always outstretched behind him, but he can pull it forward and under to get around his brooder.

he has also had a bit of pasty butt but have been very on it. (also have been supplying grit sprinkled on his yolk).

yikes. I did not intend to make this so long. if you've hung in here long enough to read this, thank you. I am emotionally invested in this little guy (but still realistic that nature has its own plan) but am definitely lacking sleep due to worry, so I thank you for following along with my exhausted chick-mama rant!

I guess my biggest questions here are;

1. how do I know if he's in pain..? I fear I am drawing out his pain if he is in pain, with all of my help, but I also do feel he has such a strong will to live.

2. anyone have a good dosage/schedule recommendation for poly vi sol for a tiny chick?

3. anyone have any runt success stories they wouldn't mind sharing, for some positive reinforcement? would love to hear.

4. I wonder if this could be a neurological issue in which case, outlook probably not so good? but then also, how do I determine this??

huge thanks, everyone.

long time reader. first time poster!
oh boy. by 105 oz and 25 oz... I meant grams!!!!

her siblings are 105 grams. she is 25 grams.

sorry about that!
The baby vitamins have riboflavin, but the poultry NutriDrench does not have that. Riboflavin is very important for leg and foot health. Human B complex vitamin tablets (which have all b’s including riboflavin,) can be crushed and dissolved in a spoonful of water, and 1/4 tablet daily is plenty for a chicken. Poultry Cell vitamin tonic which is almost identical to NutriDrench except that it contains riboflavin, is also good to use. But the b complex or super b complex is economical and can be used by yourself as well as chickens.

It sounds like there was some problem with temperature or humidity during the hatch that probably caused the leg issues. Here is a good article on making shoes out of tape for curled toes:
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his first set of little boots... we kept these on for about a day then checked don't them. one foot, the toes were much less curled. the others we decided to use just bandaids rather than cardboard so he could walk easier (he is an active little guy!)
The baby vitamins have riboflavin, but the poultry NutriDrench does not have that. Riboflavin is very important for leg and foot health. Human B complex vitamin tablets (which have all b’s including riboflavin,) can be crushed and dissolved in a spoonful of water, and 1/4 tablet daily is plenty for a chicken. Poultry Cell vitamin tonic which is almost identical to NutriDrench except that it contains riboflavin, is also good to use. But the b complex or super b complex is economical and can be used by yourself as well as chickens.

It counds like there was some problem with temperature or humidity during the hatch that probably caused the leg issues. Here is a good article on making shoes out of tape for curled toes:
thank you very much! he seems to stand differently than a lot of the spraddle-legged chicks. but I also imagine there is variation between how it affects each chick.

in the past we've done the little shoes/hobbles and chicks have been totally cool with it but this guy seems to really want to fight his independence lol.
The baby vitamins have riboflavin, but the poultry NutriDrench does not have that. Riboflavin is very important for leg and foot health. Human B complex vitamin tablets (which have all b’s including riboflavin,) can be crushed and dissolved in a spoonful of water, and 1/4 tablet daily is plenty for a chicken. Poultry Cell vitamin tonic which is almost identical to NutriDrench except that it contains riboflavin, is also good to use. But the b complex or super b complex is economical and can be used by yourself as well as chickens.

It counds like there was some problem with temperature or humidity during the hatch that probably caused the leg issues. Here is a good article on making shoes out of tape for curled toes:
do you have a dosage schedule for what you would give to a tiny chick? for either the b vitamins or poly vi sol?

super appreciate it. have seen your posts in many places on this site, majorly appreciate your insight!!!
1/4 tablet daily of b complex is fine. 3 drops of polyvisol without iron daily is about right for a chick. There are leg bone deformities and slipped tendon issues in chicks as well. It can be hard to diagnose each one in baby chicks. Sometimes they will get better with the vitamins early on. It is important that she be able to get around on her own to get to food and water. Chick chairs or slings sometimes can be helpful for periods throughout the day, and food an water can be placed in front of them. Here is a link for those:
1/4 tablet daily of b complex is fine. 3 drops of polyvisol without iron daily is about right for a chick. There are leg bone deformities and slipped tendon issues in chicks as well. It can be hard to diagnose each one in baby chicks. Sometimes they will get better with the vitamins early on. It is important that she be able to get around on her own to get to food and water. Chick chairs or slings sometimes can be helpful for periods throughout the day, and food an water can be placed in front of them. Here is a link for those:
she is now able to get to food and water on her own. and pecking at the ground especially now that she has a friend showing her how. (keep using both he and she since I don't know lol!)

she falls sometimes but is getting better at getting herself upright. I guess my biggest concern is that it won't heal and she is hurting, but I suppose she'd be more lethargic if so? she does sleep a lot, but she gets up to eat/drink/get comfortable in or out of the heat etc.

would you suggest both the b complex and the poly v or one over the other?
thank you very very much.

this photo is of her right now. eating her crumble mix. you can see how her legs are held funny. (and excuse her crunchy head) she got food on herself early on and I didn't want to stress her out by cleaning it so I've been trying to let it wear off and it slowly is, esp with the other chicks help lol!


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