1 yr old Silkie Hen with healing prolapse and slow crop


7 Years
Sep 11, 2016
Soquel, Ca
Good Afternoon,

I have a 1yr old White-bearded Silkie Hen that laid a REALLY large egg four days ago. I check my girls' crops every morning and every night, I have three hens so this isn't very hard to do. She acted normal that day. The next day Miss Presley (1yr old White-Bearded Silkie Hen) had a full squishy crop, messy bum, and bloody stool. She also laid another egg.
I brought her inside for an examination. Upon examination, I found a small tear in her vent 1/8" inch and a tiny prolapse 1/4". I immediately saw that the prolapse went in when the vent pulsed and came out when she strained to poop. So I cleaned her up and started putting antibiotic ointment and preparation H on her every morning for three days now I plan on doing this for seven days. The prolapse has not come back out and the tear seems to have healed up as well but she is still not acting normal. She has not had an empty crop since all this started and now very foul smelling breath. I limited her food to small amounts of feed during the day, none at night and increased the ACV in the water, been keeping her isolated and changing her hay bedding every day. She has clear/white watery stool. No more blood in her stool or messy bottom. I need help!! I want her to feel better, but my usual treatment for a sour crop is to vomit them and then feed lots of kefir or probiotic, limit feed, keep isolated, etc.. I'm not sure if it would be ok to help her vomit while she has the prolapse going on.... PLEASE HELP ME!!!! Also, does anyone know if this is a something that happens because the VERY large egg just hurt her little body? And since she got the tear and prolapse it threw her crop out of wack too???
Thank you for any advice!!!
Thank you:hugs
I ended up being able to help her vomit gently. She felt a lot better after that and then she cuddled up on my chest and tucked her head into my hoodie and took a nap, it was the sweetest thing! I wish I had a picture of that! I did some more research using the link to Merck Vet and "The Poultry Doctor". In the Merck Vet handbook, it says that a prolapse will cause the hen to die instantly, THANK GOODNESS that didn't happen! The Poultry Doctor has an ailment called a hernia that fit her symptoms exactly regarding the large egg and had some info about slow crop and sour breath. Depending on how she's doing today I might get her some homeopathic remedies. Hopefully, she doesn't lay any eggs until her body recovers! My past experience with sour/slow crop with a different hen was that she didn't lay for at least a month after curing the sour crop. I'm being positive and keeping a close eye on my little fluffy girl :)

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