10 hens-still no eggs,beginning to think seller lied about their age!

I also go by the comb is it nice and red, more so then age. I am glad that mine where older when they started and then took the winter off. I worry about egg laying issues. I think mine where close to 6 1/2 months before they laid. even my sex links where that old.
its best to be patient depends on the birds..climate..and also on their genes..some take more time some much less
time will come they will lay i bought 3 rir 3 years ago and had the same problem but developed very very slow that it actually came out to be they were all three roos just under developed..
if they are pullets atleast the battle is won

its a crazy wait i know
As these are my first chikens not really sure what the egg squat is so don't know if they are doing it. Would it be apparent to me that it was a different than normal behavior when I see it?

The "egg squat" is the position they take up when approached by a rooster for mating. They squat down low and hold their wings out. But you don't have to have a roo for them to do it- hens/pullets will do it to show you are dominant. For example, some of my pullets do it for me when I reach over their heads quickly (usually when I am out there with the flock, conversing with someone else and "talking" with my hands). Pullets sometimes begin to squat when they are reaching POL.
As these are my first chikens not really sure what the egg squat is so don't know if they are doing it. Would it be apparent to me that it was a different than normal behavior when I see it?

The "egg squat" is the position they take up when approached by a rooster for mating. They squat down low and hold their wings out. But you don't have to have a roo for them to do it- hens/pullets will do it to show you are dominant. For example, some of my pullets do it for me when I reach over their heads quickly (usually when I am out there with the flock, conversing with someone else and "talking" with my hands). Pullets sometimes begin to squat when they are reaching POL.

I will start looking for that behavior, thanks for the description.
Do a parasite check.. anytiime you get birds from different sources... you should do a parasite check... it is that time of year.... That will keep em from laying.
I have 17 hens that hatched last may. The first one started laying at 4 months and the last one started laying at 10 months. My Australorp didnt start laying until 9 months.
I don't have the same breeds you do, but mine were hatched June 12th of last year, and I got my first egg Christmas morning; it is sooo hard to be patient, isn't it? Once you get that first one, DO take a picture of it; we'll want to see it.
The best way I can explain "egg squat" is when you are chasing them, and they just stop, put their wings out, and crouch low to the ground. Its weird, they go from chasing them all over the yard, to suddenly submitting. It really is a phenomenon to me. All of a sudden it just happens... though it must be mentioned that I DON'T have a roo, so I guess I wear the sickle feathers??? LOL

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