10 weeks old, I think Matilda is a boy


Apr 13, 2015
These are my first chickens, I only have five. Three EE's and two BO's. I feel like one of the BO,s is a cockerel. I also have some suspicion about one of the EE's and since I cant really find any pictures of EE's that look like Eda and Mamae, if someone could tell me what their color is called, I would appreciate any help anyone could give me. So here they are...First Matilda and Rosie, Matilda has always been the biggest and bravest.

Eda and Mamae were mostly gray when they were tiny. Hoping they are both pullets.

Thanks for any help .

If Matilda is the BO with the large, red comb then yes, "she" is looking very roosterish. How old are they? The last EE is looking suspicious.
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The Buff Orpington on the right looks like a cockerel. The first Easter Egger looks like a pullet and the second looks like a cockerel and since Easter Eggers are just mixed breeds that lay colored eggs, that can come in any variety or mix of colors.
Yes Matilda is the one with the red comb and wattles, they are 10 weeks old.
Top picture = Buff Orpington pullet (on the left), Buff Orpington cockerel (on the right)
Center picture = Easter Egger pullet
Bottom picture = With a comb that red at 10 weeks, Matilda, your EE, is looking like a cockerel.
Yikes! Two cockerels in five chickens, and of course like everyone always says, they are my two favorites. The ones that come right up, sit on your lap etc.

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