100 Pictures of My Flock (Pic Heavy!)

My main flock is in my signature: 29 hens, 11 Guinea fowl, and 5 chicks. I also have one really old rooster, 2 accidental roosters from last year, and one pain-in-the-butt hen that has been separated indefinitely from the main flock because she behaves so aggressively towards the younger and smaller hens--a grand total of 38 chickens in all.

Okay, y'all, I have a couple of pictures for this, but my darned mouse is malfunctioning and stopped working entirely as I was uploading pictures of the chicks for my other thread. Unfortunately, this means I may not be able to upload these pictures for a while. :/ Still trying to finish this project before school starts, but it isn't looking like I'll be able to. School starts on August 20. Yikes. :th
This thread has been the perfect ending to a not so perfect day. I have laughed and laughed...and each new pic has become my new favorite! May I ask what you are taking in school? Please tell me you will be using your creative talents...you have an artistic eye, a way with words, a wonderful gift to find humor in everyday things. The world needs more people like you! Thank you for sharing!!
Well, I plan to keep going until I have a picture for each theme. I am just doubting that I can do that in the next 3 (or so) weeks. ;)

sezjasper: I am glad you're enjoying my pictures and comments, and I'm quite flattered by what you say. I have had a strong interest in creative writing for most of my life. However, I'm going to school for biology and hoping to major in animal sciences later on so that I can do what I dream to do for the rest of my life, and that is to work with animals for a living. :D

Desirai: Feel free to! I only ask that at least some of the themes be changed to keep things unique! ;)

Okay, I'm going to try to go chronologically as these pictures were taken over the past few weeks or so, so bear with me.

44. Expressing excitement. Blizzy (the red sexlink at the left of the picture) does a good job of it. :lol:


What is she excited about? 54. Apple cores!! ...Well, and other leftover apple bits.




13. An unlucky hen: I noticed not too long ago that there was an unusual amount of feathers sprinkled around the coop. Yes, Cressy is molting, poor girl. She's a bit grumpy about it, too.

"What are you lookin' at?!"


30. A hen 'flying': Because Scooter's the only bantam that hasn't figured out how to get to the rafters, she's always trying to dodge around the big girls as they come to roost. Betty and Cressy didn't show any interest in hurting her, but she still flew around like a maniac any time one of them moved toward her.


(I like how Betty's looking back like, 'What the heck?' here.)


96. An uncomfortable pose. This one is pretty self-explanatory...


Poor Natalie! If you sit still, maybe Twisty won't hurt you!


I don't have a theme for cuteness? Well, I guess these will just have to be theme-less. They're too cute to keep to myself!

Sebrights Amy (the golden) and Vespa (the silver) falling asleep in the rafters one night.


Why were they scrunched up together like that? Because Queen Rosie Broody-Brood was at the other end of the rafter, and in a bad mood about not being able to brood.

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How about one more for the night? 10. A bantam on too many eggs:

I went out to the coop as usual to collect the eggs and get everyone all set for the night. Of course, Rose had escaped her little anti-broody corral by then, and there she was by the time I got out to the coop, in one of the nests and happy as can be. So I evicted her and spent the next few minutes pulling her out of the nests as I collected eggs. Tired of juggling her, once I had all the eggs, I closed up the nests so that she would have no choice but to give up and go to the roosts. Or so I thought.

I turned my back on the nest boxes for just an instant to get the fan set up for some air flow in the coop overnight, and when I turned back around, I saw this:


Rosie really wants to brood. :rolleyes:
How about one more for the night? 10. A bantam on too many eggs:
I went out to the coop as usual to collect the eggs and get everyone all set for the night. Of course, Rose had escaped her little anti-broody corral by then, and there she was by the time I got out to the coop, in one of the nests and happy as can be. So I evicted her and spent the next few minutes pulling her out of the nests as I collected eggs. Tired of juggling her, once I had all the eggs, I closed up the nests so that she would have no choice but to give up and go to the roosts. Or so I thought.
I turned my back on the nest boxes for just an instant to get the fan set up for some air flow in the coop overnight, and when I turned back around, I saw this:

Rosie really wants to brood.

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