100 Pictures of Our Flocks: A Community Picture Project

All accepted pictures are added up to this post! :D

As of this post, we are ALL FULL on the following themes:

3. a wet bird

5. a broody glare

6. fuzzy butts

8. new additions

14. a show-off

16. best friends

22. a close-up

23. spoiled birds

24. a house chicken

30. birdy peek-a-boo!

32. roost buddies

39. a mixed flock

44. a show of love

51. interesting interactions

61. a caption-worthy shot

62. sisters

68. the man of the flock

75. a classy portrait

84. a community dustbath

90. wings out

94. a really BIG egg

96. a handsome man

99. the cutest stink-eye

100. the 100th picture in the project!

I will be making a poll for 98. the stinkiest stink-eye now! :)
We need a list of what you still need
Okay, these are the themes that are not checked yet:

1. what birds do in the rain

9. flock bed-time

15. a hen-squat

21. a show of happiness

27. camouflage in action

34. an explosive molt

35. insanity!

36. the most eggs in one box by the hens

38. the most birds in one picture

42. a cool summer snack

45. a smart bird

50. muddy feet

55. ruffled feathers

57. a special delivery

58. when it's too hot to free range

59. a beautiful egg

64. a family

65. a visitor

66. puddle play

70. one old bird

74. lost feathers

76. a reflection

77. windswept birds

80. birds at play

81. a day in the life of a bird

85. eating and drinking

86. digging deep

92. the egg song in action

93. a really fresh egg

Remember that all pictures must be taken on or after
March 1, 2013.

I don't expect some of these themes to be checked any time soon.​

We also need more entries to 37. the prettiest egg basket, 46. the cutest babies, 47. the cutest girlies, and 48. the cutest boys so that I can start up the voting for them. :)

There are other themes that are still open for entries as well, so refer to post #342 for what's all full.
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This young rooster eventually figured out how to get the piece of apple core my son had thrown on top of the run... #45 smart chicken

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