Ended Post Your Best (Worst) Chicken Molt Pictures - 2023



BYC Staff
Project Manager
Premium Feather Member
13 Years
Mar 21, 2011
New Mexico
Winners Announced Here!

OFFICIAL BYC CONTEST Post Your Best (Worst) Chicken Molt Pictures - 2023.png

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Post Your Best (Worst) Chicken Molt Pictures - 2023
Are Your Chickens Molting?
We Want Your Pics!
Ends December 31st, 2023

It's that time of year again when our birds start their metamorphosis into... well, okay, they don't turn into anything, but it sure is interesting to see them go through their molting process and leaving feathers all over the place!
For more information on your flock's annual molt, see here:
How to enter
The contest is simple, post pictures of your birds in the worst part of their molt. Once we're past the molting season, our esteemed panel of judges will pick a loser... er... winner!

The rules are simple too:
  1. An entry is up to 50 pictures of your molting chicken. Please include:
    • Name
    • Breed
  2. Chickens only. All other fowl can enter the Other Fowl Molt Contest here.
  3. If you have more than one chicken to enter, do them in separate posts.
  4. Must be your pictures that were taken THIS YEAR, so probably within the last few weeks and over the next few months (depending on your climate, birds, etc.).
  5. Molt pictures submitted to our previous molt contests are not eligible for this contest.
  6. Images that have been resized might be disqualified if they are too small to judge.
  7. ALL pictures MUST be uploaded to BYC and not hosted on other image sites, personal websites, etc.
  8. No screenshots, watermarks, date stamps, text, etc., on the photo. No collages.
  9. The photo needs to have been taken by you.
  10. You cannot use a photo that won an award in another BYC-sponsored contest.
  11. High-quality images are recommended. Basic editing, such as cropping and other subtle changes, are allowed.
  12. ALL photos MUST be uploaded to BYC and not hosted on other image sites, personal websites, etc.
  13. Prizes are limited to one per person per contest.
  14. All BYC rules apply: Terms and rules
  15. Accepting entries through December 31st, 2023, at 11:59 pm Pacific Time
Good luck to you and your ugly... er.. molting chickens!

If entries warrant, we will have two categories, "Frizzle" and "Non-Frizzles" (on account of Frizzles having some pretty bad molting genes and winning this contest for a few years
), and the following prizes will be awarded to both categories.
1st$50 BYC Store Gift Certificate or a 1-year PFM ($60 value) for yourself or a friend.
2nd$30 BYC Store Gift Certificate or a 6-month PFM ($35 value) for yourself or a friend.
3rd$15 BYC Store Gift Certificate or a 3-month PFM ($20 value) for yourself or a friend.
4thA copy of the beautiful BYC 2024 Calendar! or a 1-month PFM for yourself or a friend.
BYC Store Gift Certificates are available to winners who reside in the United States. If the winners are outside of the United States, they will be awarded the PFM instead.

2022 Frizzle Winners
From left to right, photos by @gimmie birdies, @taprock, & @kurby22
See more pictures here.

2022 Non-Frizzle Winners
From left to right, photos by: @Poultrybonkers, @HorseGirlAbby, @Artichoke Lover, @pipdzipdnreadytogo, @Judy Chicken Mama, @Paradisewife, @cluckingheck, @OneMountainAcres, & @Miss Cheep
See more pictures here.
2021 Winners
From left to right: @The Moonshiner , @Naisha, @higginskzoo, @locoyosh, @SteveE, @Wildgrass, & @wolfinator
See more pictures here.

Non-Frizzle CategoryFrizzle Category
See more pictures here.
@Dorothy Dandurand
See more pictures here.

Previous Molt Contests
Fancy Nancy it is early in the season yet. (Frizzle NN, EE)

Aug. 2023


Here are more Fancy Nancy pics from this AM.
molt 2023b.PNG

It was chilly this morning...
FN and her friend Satellite.
molt 2023c.PNG

Eating corned beef hash, with friends

Blinked with inner eyelids,

a couple of back end shots, they look like old man faces.



September 20, 2023
Last edited:

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