$100...What would you spend it on?

And I have a money saving suggestion.
Switch to the breed below. No need for equipment, and less feed bill.:gig

Ack, gah! Well, okay, it was basically saying, "Thou are a lesser being for choosing a lowly kitty cat over a struggling human. Pray tell, why doth thou chooseth as such?"

I always struggled with the King James version of the bible.

Your question was judgement laden, even though you don't feel that way. How it made you feel when you wrote it is yours (owned and understood by you), and how it made me feel when I read it is mine. Two fair feelings.

I'm a Believer. I share my beliefs gently. I also know God designed me to love on animals more keenly than others do. It's one of my purposes for breathing air: to glorify God in my care of the very creatures he knows so well.

Now, I'm curious. How much is a gallon of gas where you live? We paid about $2.73/gallon at Safeway, but just down the road (farther outside town) gas costs $3.10/gallon, if not more.

Thanks for sharing! Sorry I came across that way, I REALLY DID NOT mean it to sound that way. I don't think you are less important than me! I just wanted to know your thinking behind the donation, maybe I could understand more. Like my mom always says, "The good is the enemy of the best". But I have made decisions that other people would criticize, and have criticized, so I kinda know what you feel about my post.

$2.40 I think? Why?
Okay, here goes. I'll give it to my mother. My mother wants this Christmas Village from Bed Bath and Beyond. It's $99.99. She'll have to cover the sales tax.
For a couple years now I have been given one of the Christmas Lego sets, so now we decorate with them and it looks awesome! We have the train, train station, toy shop, and bakery.
For a couple years now I have been given one of the Christmas Lego sets, so now we decorate with them and it looks awesome! We have the train, train station, toy shop, and bakery.

I just went through some guy's house who has a major Christmas lights spread on his yard that he invited the public to walk through. The walkway to his front-door passes by the windows to his garage and he put animated Christmas lego sets on display in those windows! It's super awesome!

My sister has a giant set of those Christmas Village things (it's bigger than her 8-seater dining table) with a "frozen pond" that has animated skaters on it and a train that goes around the entire thing.
A few years ago when I reached the point of not being able to work anymore, we were really struggling (more than now, and things aren't great). I literally scrounged together enough loose change to treat myself to a drink and a muffin at a coffee house.

I packed up my laptop and a baggie of coins and walked the couple of blocks to save the gas money. On the way there I saw something fluttering in the wind and grabbed it just before it blew into traffic. It was a $20 bill.

The wind did some more fluttering and I found three more.

The bills were brand new and had been folded together, but they separated when someone dropped them. I continued on to the coffee house, bought my drink and muffin with my coins (it's always embarrassing when I pay all in coins), and two hours later, on my way to the police station to turn in the cash, I stopped at that same corner, looked up at a tree and then down on the ground and found one more.

Altogether I found $100. The gals at the police station logged in the cash and told me to come back in three months if it went unclaimed. It did, so I took that cash and had a local homeless male cat neutered and vaccinated, and with the leftover money I went back to the coffee house and ordered a latte and two muffins (big spender).

And boy did I feel terrible for the person who had lost that cash. Just a few blocks from where I found it were two ATMs, and there was a festival downtown that weekend. It must have been painful losing all that cash.

I've since been so wasteful with money. We struggle and yet there I am at Starbucks every day, with debts that could cause us to lose our home.

Usually I come across discussions that ask what you would do if you won the lottery. But for a lot of people, $100 is a fortune, and if I crack down and do some growing up at the tender age of rapidly approaching fifty, maybe I can actually accomplish something meaningful in my life for once.

Just a late night ramble, surrounded by snoring dogs, a sleeping rooster and an assortment of purring cats.


Awww...that was nice of you. :) I think the Big Guy upstairs would approve as well. Good deeds are good deeds... :thumbsup
I just went through some guy's house who has a major Christmas lights spread on his yard that he invited the public to walk through. The walkway to his front-door passes by the windows to his garage and he put animated Christmas lego sets on display in those windows! It's super awesome!

My sister has a giant set of those Christmas Village things (it's bigger than her 8-seater dining table) with a "frozen pond" that has animated skaters on it and a train that goes around the entire thing.
That sounds like Deacon Dave's house in Livermore. The power company actually installed his own post and transformer for all the Christmas lights. It's a huge deal that draw thousands and thousands of visitors every year, and it's just in a normal neighborhood!
For a couple years now I have been given one of the Christmas Lego sets, so now we decorate with them and it looks awesome! We have the train, train station, toy shop, and bakery.
My husband would love a Lego set for Christmas. Ack! Too late!! But great idea for next year as a standing tradition, especially the train set. He loves trains.

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