12 day old chick with heavy breathing

Mar 26, 2020
Frederick, MD
I have a chick who I noticed a few days ago was having heavy breathing, gasping for breath, and sneezing. Mild lethargy No other symptoms (eating, drinking, pooping, clean butt, eyes, nostrils, .etc…

The first time I noticed it was right after I fed them. There’d been a lot If excitement in the brooder and they acted like they hadn’t eaten in months. I noticed her gasping for breath (not panting- opening her break each time she inhaled) and her sides were heaving). I removed her from the brooder, monitored her, and as she calmed down her breathing returned to almost normal.

The next day I noticed she seemed to be breathing heavier than the other chicks, but no gasping. I don’t hear anything out of the ordinary when I put my ear to her body.

Today it happened again where she was gasping for air. Again I had just refilled the food so there was a lot of excitement. I removed her to a smaller brooder. The breathing is better but still really heavy. She only seems to do the gasping and sneezing when she’s in a heightened state.

She was on medicated chick feed for the first week of her life and now has transitioned to flock raiser. She has grit but doesn’t get any other treats. She’s on pine shavings and has a brooder plate. I offer Nutridrench in the water every other time I refill it. Now that she’s in the smaller brooder, she’ll be getting Poultry Cell. The other 11 chicks have no symptoms. Any ideas for how to help her?

I don’t know how to attach videos from my phone, so I’ll up load them to you tube and post them here later.
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I can’t be sure what this might be. I did have gasping and sneezing chicks once. It was very contagious and all the chicks got it. A few people adviced me to go to a vet and ask for antibiotics. Other said don’t, because you will get weak chickens.

I didn’t give medicines , I did find it alarming that they all got sick, but they didn’t die. Some cured within 2 weeks but one chick took 6 weeks to heal. As adults these chickens never got sick. Two of them are 8 years old now.

You could give a little electrolytes in the water. This gives them a little extra energy. You can make it yourself with a cup of boiled still warm water, and add a teaspoon honey, a teaspoon apple cider vinegar and a pinch of salt. Fresh greens can be healthy too. Like chopped grass with herbs in tiny pieces.

Also check if the bedding isn’t the cause. Put the chick on an old towel for 24 h.
I have a chick who I noticed a few days ago was having heavy breathing, gasping for breath, and sneezing. Mild lethargy No other symptoms (eating, drinking, pooping, clean butt, eyes, nostrils, .etc…

The first time I noticed it was right after I feed them. There’s been a lot If excitement in the brooder and they acted like they hadn’t eaten in months. I noticed her gasping for breath (not panting- opening her break each time she inhaled) and her sides were having. I removed her from the brooder, monitored her, and as she calmed down her breathing returned to almost normal.

The next day I noticed she seemed to be breathing heavier than the other chicks, but no gasping. I don’t hear anything out of the ordinary when I put my ear to her body.

Today it happened again where she was gasping for aid. Again I had just refilled the food bowl so there was a lot of excitement. I removed her to a smaller brooder. The breathing is better but still really heavy.

She was on medicated chick feed for the first week of her life and now has transitioned to flock raiser. She has grit but doesn’t get any other treats. She’s on pine shavings and has a brooder plate. I offer Nutridrench in the water every other time I refill it. Now that she’s in the smaller brooder, she’ll be getting Poultry Cell. The other 11 chicks have to symptoms. Any ideas for how to help her?

I don’t know how to attach videos from my phone, so I’ll up load them to you tube and post them here later.
She could have crop impaction from eating the shavings
Is today any better? No other chicks getting sick?

Videos : upload to Youtube or another provider like Vimeo.
After that you can add the link with insert media (film icon).
Sorry for the delay. Here is the video of one of the times she was gasping for air.

I have not seen her gasp for air since being moved to the smaller brooder with only 2 other chicks. She does still breathe heavier than the other two at times.

I have found her crop both full (it was very full today- I think having less competition is really good for her) and empty, so I don't think this is crop related.

I am wondering if dust from the pine shavings could be part of the problem. She's currently getting Poultry Cell in her water.
Sorry for the delay. Here is the video of one of the times she was gasping for air.

I have not seen her gasp for air since being moved to the smaller brooder with only 2 other chicks. She does still breathe heavier than the other two at times.

I have found her crop both full (it was very full today- I think having less competition is really good for her) and empty, so I don't think this is crop related.

I am wondering if dust from the pine shavings could be part of the problem. She's currently getting Poultry Cell in her water.
From the video it looks like she made need a tiny bit of coconut oil to help her crop. Extremely tiny amount. She must have eaten some shavings
She also could be more sensitive to heat than the others . Do you have them/ her under a brooder lamp?
She has a brooder plate she can go under at will. I don’t think it’s heat. Her breathing has been normal the past 2 days, so she’s hanging out in the big brooder again and I’m monitoring her to see if she does the breathing thing again.

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