12 dead birds and charges filed *update 1st court date today*

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Now thats what should be done, sorry for your lose. Here in Florida if that happened, the Sheriff would have to see the dogs in the yard killing chickens, then the dog would have to confess. Heck, you can't get anyone to do anything around here. then they would say, nothing we can do, its a civil matter. I had to call animal control for a solid week about a pack of dogs running loose, tearing down my fence chasing my two roosters. They would send out a patrol, but since I would not give my name, wouldn't do anything. Ok, so I call everyday, then finally ask, what is a patrol? Tell you what, since your officers, are obviously blind, I will stay on the phone until they arrive, then if they need help seeing the dogs, I will kindly direct them to the middle of the road, since one is always sleeping there, and they have to drive around it. Finally they got two of the dogs, still 3 to go.
Its like pulling teeth, gosh, They feel so sorry for the dog owners, if we pick them up, they would have to pay a fine, and the puts a hardship on the families. Oh give me a break, obey the law, you know leash law on the sign at the corner. I understand, dogs get out, but these dogs are always out, all day and all night.
Sorry about your loss....I would at least want to be compensated.....Those chickies cost money!!!! And I know no amount of money replaces a loved animal or animals but hey....I would try!!!!
Most dogs suck....this is why I don't want a dog....my cat is a sweetie...he's stickly inside for the simple fact we have neighbors that can't control their dogs. I don't want to bash dog lovers that actually keep their dogs under control but I know I keep my peeps inside without a lid and I know they are fine with my feline.....he looks at them like what did I get up for.......
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Thanks for the support. Peter is in the bathroom. He is breathing but is either asleep or unconscious. If he pull through, he will have to have the stitches removed in a week. The vet bill will be added to the restitution amount. Peter has been through a lot. He recently had wood from a wood pile fall on him. We put him in the big parrot cage to recover. He was doing well. I was considering reintroducing him to the flock this weekend. His best hen Eggatha, was in there with him for moral support. The dogs tore the door off the cage. Eggatha was killed, but somehow Peter was just injured. Peter and Eggatha have been together for 8-9 years. I wonder if he can make it without her.

The bator is being warmed up. Eggs are resting on the counter. I will keep everybody updated on the legal proceedings and Peter.

Thanks again
I'm so sorry to hear about the damage done by your neighbor's dogs. Its sad that they don't understand how to be responsible pet owners.

I really hope you are able to hatch the eggs!
Oh wow, how tragic, just stopping by to say that were sorry for this event and hope the legal system finds this as sad as your BYC family does!
That really stinks. We have a RR, and I know how dangerous dogs like that could be. Ours is nice and we are still always very careful with her... I can't imagine letting two of them ravage the neighborhood.

I wish we could publicly cane some of these dog owners who are not even trying to be responsible. Their own dogs and other animals will suffer because of their stupid negligence. It's just infuriating.
Jody, I am soooo sorry to hear of your devestating loss! I feel so bad for you. If in spring you decide to begin anew, let me know and I will send you a little care package of miscelanious purebreed eggs to help with the re-establishment of your beloved flock. You have my utmost sympathy.
Peter is gone He just stopped breathing a few minutes ago. At least the vet was willing to try to help.

Little Big Foot is so scared she won't even roost with the other survivors. She is alone in the corner. I can't find any injuries on her. I think she is still terrified.
I am so sorry.
I don't think there can be real restitution for something for something so atrocious. I do hope you get all of your investment back and a bit for the pain and suffering as well. Good luck on the hatch. I'm rootin' for ya.
Those dogs do need to be put down. What happens when they break into a yard or playpen and do a human baby in?
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