12 dead birds and charges filed *update 1st court date today*

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When I saw the opening line above, "Take them for a HEFTY sum..." I didn't agree until I read and thought about what was written concerning the time, money, energy, efforts, labor, lost income, stress, brain damage, etc., all of which is worth something, but I think the time has come to get a judgment that would send the right message!

I only suggest rather than "taking them" which sounds vengeful, to just get what's yours back.

So sorry about your birds. We have a dog that has killed one of our sitting hens and tried only a couple of days ago to get our roo. My sons have their slingshots ready! The dog is just a stray.


Been there Jody .... when I confronted the dog owner (after retrieving my bird he chased out of my yard into the neighbors bush) he said...noooo yur birds were out of your yard (never mind the leash law and the fact the dog was loose which is STRICTLY enforced here in Holland since prolly about 90% of the population here have dogs)
When he kept denying it and ran off ( I chased his dog out of my yard by the way...took that rat maybe two minutes to kill all but three of my birds)
I knew enough... the police here are lax without a witness or photos so I took care of it myself and rehomed the little bugger to another city (bad fencing in their yard and I coaxed it no problem into a meat filled dog carrier and turned him into rescue org in another city)... if those ppl get another dog I will do the same.
I am so sorry for your loss, that happened to us last year. fortunatly it was our own dogs. As for hatching the rifridgerated eggs, I had success with doing that this summer. Dont get rid of the eggs if they do not hatch on time, mine were delayed 3 days from the cold.

good luck!
Thank you all again. The support really helps. Today I will be calculating my losses. I totaled a rough estimate to the sherriff yesterday. It came to about $400-$500. That didn't include Peter's vet bill or the loss of Peter. The Sherriff did note that an additional bird was at the vet with costs unknown. I still have to calculate the egg loss value, etc. The value will be accurate, fair and not cheap.

I can't say how much I appreciate our sherriff's dept. They are great. Years a go a doberman and husky/wolf cross got loose and killed my pet turkey. The dog owner was actually arrested and had to sit in a jail cell until bail got set and posted. The problem we have here is that Douglas County and the City of Omaha have an agreement to share cases and costs in the courts, so dog cases go to the Omaha City Attorney's office. If the case falls apart, that's where it happens. However, lately there has been a greater number of viscious dog attacks in the area. The public is screaming for them to do something about it, so maybe the city attorney's office will do the right thing. I will not let this rest. I will push the issue. If these people are not prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law, I will notify every newspaper and TV station in the area. Also, if they don't do what they should, I will post their office phone number, e-mail address and snail mail address on this board. For now I will assume that they will do their job. The deputy assured me that he will push the issue and strongly encouarage prosecution.

I am keeping my fingers crossed that this works out. If they are prosecuted under the dangerous dog laws and the courts take past behaviour in to account, the dogs can be euthanized and the owners banned from having dogs again for at least 3 years. For right now I am going to be respectful and supportive of the authorities and let them do their jobs. If it looks like it is going to fall through the cracks in the system, I will get pushy. I will become the squeaky wheel that gets the grease. I hope it won't come to that. The fact that they sent out a deputy and a crime scene investigator (and the fact that they got there so fast) leads me to believe that the days of wayward dogs getting away with killing sprees in our county are over.
I am very saddened to hear of this incident. I can't even imagine how you are feeling. Best wishes on hatching your precious last eggs.
If you haven't seen it, there's another thread on here regarding your situation, Jody. (I know this is a poultry site, but..) Some real interesting stuff being thrown out there. Just thought you might want to know.
I'm so sorry you had this happen.:aww

Wow, rhodesian ridgebacks that is interesting. They were bred to hunt lions. Your neighbors sound like they they have too much money and not enough brains.
Some people like to get fancy dogs and then don't train them or properly socialize them and then the dog suffers for it. You have a good sheriffs department and I do hope that everything works out for you.
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